Summary of Prime Contract Mod 1178
May 10, 2018
Deleted and Replaced
- Section H: Special Contract Requirements
- Section H, Clause H.42, Non-Federal Agreement for Commercializing Technology (Pilot)
with H.42, Agreements for Commercializing Technology
- Section H, Clause H.42, Non-Federal Agreement for Commercializing Technology (Pilot)
with H.42, Agreements for Commercializing Technology
- Section J: List of Documents, Exhibits, and Other Attachments*
- Section J, Attachment E, Applicable Laws and Regulations (List A)
- Section J, Attachment F, Operating and Administrative Requirements (List B)
Prime Contract Table Deleted DOE O 350.1 Chg 5 CRD
Contractor Human Resource Management
Programs Approved: 09/30/96
Change 5: 09/30/14CRD applicable in whole Added DOE O 350.1 Chg 6 (MinChg)
Chapter VIII - Contractor Workplace Substance Abuse Programs CRD
Chapter IX - Employee Assistance Programs CRD
Approved: 09/30/96
Chg 6 (MinChg): 02/01/18CRD applicable in whole
CRD applicable in whole
- Section J, Attachment E, Applicable Laws and Regulations (List A)