Summary of Prime Contract Mod 1284
May 13, 2021
Deleted and Replaced
- Section J: List of Documents, Exhibits, and Other Attachments*
- Attachment K, Calendar Year 2020 Diversity Plan is deleted and replaced with Calendar
Year 2021 Diversity Plan and is incorporated into this contract by reference.
- Attachment F, Operating and Administrative Requirements (List B), is deleted and
replaced as follows:
Prime Contract Table Action Summary Applicability Delete DOE O 413.1B CRD
Internal Control Program
Approved: 10/28/08CRD applicable in whole Delete DOE O 534.1B CRD
Approved: 01/06/03CRD applicable in whole Add DOE O 520.1B CRD
Financial Management and Chief Financial Officer Responsibilities
Approved: 01/07/21CRD applicable in whole
- Attachment K, Calendar Year 2020 Diversity Plan is deleted and replaced with Calendar
Year 2021 Diversity Plan and is incorporated into this contract by reference.