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Summary of Prime Contract Mod 1371

May 17, 2023


  • Section I: Contract Clauses

    The following I Clauses were added with the current versions in M1371:

    Clause I.188  52.204-12  Unique Entity Identifier Maintenance (Oct 2016)

    Clause I.189  52.204-18  Commercial and Government Entity Code Maintenance (Aug 2020)

    Clause I.190  52.232-22  Limitation of Funds (Apr 1984)

    Clause I.191  52.232-25  Prompt Payment (Jan 2017)

    Clause I.192  52.245-1  Government Property (Sep 2021) Alt II (Apr 2012)

    Clause I.193  52.245-9  Use and Charges (Apr 2012)

    Clause I.194  952.223-75  Preservation of individual occupational radiation exposure records (Apr 1984)

Deleted and Replaced

  • Section H: Special Contract Requirements
    Clause H.45 in version M1142 is deleted and replaced with the current version of H.45 Conference Management (DOE-H-2068, Mar 2023) in M1371.

  • Section I: Contract Clauses
    Clause I.121 970.5223-7 in version M306 is deleted and replaced with the current version of I.121 970.5223-7 Sustainable Acquisition Program (Oct 2010) Alt I (Oct 2010) in M1371.

  • Section J: List of Documents, Exhibits, and Other Attachments
    Attachment D, Special Financial Institution Account in version M1358 is deleted and replaced with the current version of Attachment D, Special Financial Institution Account Agreement for Use 36 with the Payments Cleared Financing Agreement in M1371 and is incorporated by reference.

    Attachment K, Diversity Plan in version M1318 is deleted and replaced with the current version of Attachment K, Diversity Plan in M1371 and is incorporated by reference.


Last Updated Dec. 11, 2024