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Motor Equipment Resources

See what to do following an incident or accident while using NREL motor equipment and find information and resources for operating and maintaining it.


Vehicle inspection checklist


More resources


If you're involved in an accident, always contact the fleet manager and your Environment, Safety, and Health point of contact.

  1. Stop immediately and take steps to prevent further collision or damage.
  2. If off-site, notify the police. If on-site, notify Laboratory Protection if you need emergency assistance.
  3. Access proof of insurance (also available in your vehicle's accident kit).
  4. Contact your Environment, Safety, and Health point of contact and the fleet manager.
  5. Take photos of the damage.
  6. Work with your line manager and fleet manger post accident to fulfill reporting requirements.

Immediate Actions

  1. Stay on the roadway.
  2. Turn off the vehicle and remove ignition sources.
  3. Exit the vehicle and move to a safe location (out of traffic, upwind of spills/fire). DO NOT reenter the vehicle to get shipping documents.
  4. If at one of the on-site fueling tanks, push the red emergency shut-off button near the southwest corner of the tank, ensure the spill is stopped, and if safe to do so, deploy sorbent materials from the blue spill response barrel near the fire extinguisher.
  5. Report the event using the contacts above and by providing the following:
    • Nature of event (single-/multiple-vehicle accident, injuries, hazmat spill, fire, etc.)
    • Type of assistance needed (request the fire department for all hazmat leaks, spills, or unknown condition of cargo)
    • Other helpful details (type/quantity of cargo, type and condition of vehicle, leaking fluids, etc.).
  6. Help the injured (if qualified and safe to do so).
  7. Stay to brief incoming responders.

After the Scene Is Stabilized

Contact your line manager.

Vehicle Inspection Checklist

Complete pre-inspections as required per NREL Procedure 600-33 for Powered Industrial Trucks, Scissor Lifts, and Aerial Lifts. Inspection forms are available on theSOURCE's Motor Equipment page and on Fleetio. Pre-inspections should also be performed on all other motor equipment prior to use.

Report all necessary repairs and maintenance needs to the fleet manager. Contact the Work Control Center, 303-384-7344, if you can't reach the fleet manager.


Powered industrial truck, aerial lift, and scissor lift operators must complete comprehensive, performance-based training that includes classroom instruction, hands-on training, and a demonstration of practical operating skills. Operators must be trained and qualified to a level of proficiency consistent with their assigned tasks.

Operators who need training or have questions about training requirements should reach out to Steve Aldridge for South Table Mountain campus motor equipment and Jim Ringwall for Flatirons Campus motor equipment.

Custodians may also require mentorship and/or additional training before authorizing operators to use their equipment. Custodians must authorize motor equipment use in advance.

Operating Responsibilities

  • Exercise responsible diligence.
  • Inspect prior to use.
  • Follow NREL programs and procedures.
  • Follow all traffic signs and markings.
  • Drive defensively and safely.
  • Use seat belts.
  • Do not use portable electronic devices when operating motor equipment.
  • Do not smoke or use other tobacco products, including electronic cigarettes and vape pens, inside motor equipment.
  • Do not carry alcohol or drugs inside motor equipment.

More Resources

If you're on campus and connected to the NREL network, access the following information for Alliance for Sustainable Energy-owned motor equipment.

Motor Equipment information on theSOURCE

Powered Industrial Truck, Aerial Lift, and Scissor Lift Safety (PROC 600-33)


Last Updated Dec. 17, 2024