Shuttle Services
The STM Circulator, commuter shuttle, and on-demand shuttle services have been consolidated into an on-demand service. Shuttles operate on-demand from 6 a.m.–6:30 p.m.
Shuttles pick up and drop off staff and visitors at stops on the South Table Mountain campus, the parking garage, Denver West Building 16, and limited stops at off-site locations including the RTD Oak Street Station, RTD Federal Center Station, and RTD Ward Road Station.
When requesting a ride from an RTD station, do so at least 15-20 minutes before you need to be picked up (for example, calling when the train at Union Station is departing) to give the shuttle driver sufficient notice.
To request a shuttle, use the TripShot online ride-hailing service—either via the app on a mobile device or from a computer. Alternatively, if TripShot is not working, staff and visitors can call 303-275-3111 to request a ride. The shuttle will continue to stop at the parking garage during the morning peak and callers can get on the shuttle without making an online request.
Shuttle Ride-Hailing Service
TripShot is NREL's ride-hailing app. It's also available online at By downloading the app to their mobile device or visiting the website, staff and visitors can request an NREL on-demand shuttle without calling the driver to request a ride. It operates similarly to other ride-hailing options (e.g., Uber, Lyft); when users request a ride, TripShot notifies them that the shuttle is on the way with a map showing the shuttle as it travels.
View TripShot app instructions to learn how to download the TripShot app, activate an account, and request on-demand rides. For NREL staff, access to TripShot is available through single sign-on when you're logged in to the NREL network. To use the TripShot app, NREL staff must download Microsoft Authenticator using their short NREL email addresses (e.g., [email protected] and not [email protected]). View Microsoft Authenticator Enrollment instructions (accessible on the NREL network only). Golden Field Office employees and subcontractors (non-NREL employees) must contact Campus Shuttle Services directly to create a TripShot account.
Shuttle Operations
For increased pedestrian safety and motorist visibility, NREL shuttles on campus will operate the same way as any other public shuttle or bus. Although South Table Mountain is a pedestrian-friendly campus, pedestrians are encouraged to always look both ways before crossing campus roads.
Passenger Instructions
- When boarding, let other passengers exit before boarding the shuttle.
- Wait to board the shuttle until it has fully stopped.
- When disembarking, stand clear and do not cross until the shuttle leaves.
- For HIGH-volume roadways, cross at the nearest crosswalk.
- For LOW-volume roadways, look both ways before crossing.
Motorist Instructions
- On HIGH-volume roadways, yield to pedestrians crossing at marked crosswalks.
- On LOW-volume roadways, yield to pedestrians crossing.
If you need help with alternative trip planning or if you have any questions, please contact Campus Shuttle Services for assistance.