TurbSim is a stochastic, full-field, turbulence simulator primarily for use with InflowWind-based simulation tools.
The TurbSim stochastic inflow turbulence tool has been developed to provide a numerical simulation of a full-field flow that contains coherent turbulence structures that reflect the proper spatiotemporal turbulent velocity field relationships seen in instabilities associated with nocturnal boundary layer flows and which are not represented well by the IEC Normal Turbulence Models. Its purpose is to provide the wind turbine designer with the ability to drive design code simulations of advanced turbine designs with simulated inflow turbulence environments that incorporate many of the important fluid dynamic features known to adversely affect turbine aeroelastic response and loading. TurbSim is more efficient than its predecessors in terms of both CPU and memory usage.
TurbSim provides the ability to efficiently generate randomized coherent turbulent structures that are superimposed on the more random background turbulent field as produced by one of the diabatic (non-neutral) spectral models. Modeled as a combination of non-homogenous Poisson and Lognormal Stochastic Processes, the randomized scaling of the coherent structures in this version of TurbSim are based on measurements derived from the Lamar 120-m tower used as part of the Lamar Low-Level Jet Project (LLLJP) when the GP_LLJ or SMOOTH models are specified. The NWTCUP model uses scaling derived from measurements taken from the 5-sonic anemometer array upwind of the NWTC ART Turbine as part of the Long-Term Inflow and Structural Testing (LIST) Program, and the three wind farm models (WF_UPW, WF_07D, and WF_14D) use scaling derived from measurements taken from upwind, within, and downwind of a large wind farm in San Gorgonio Pass, California.
In version 1.06.00, TurbSim was extended to model turbulence in water. The TIDAL spectral model, which simulates turbulence in a tidal channel, is based on measurements taken near Marrowstone Island in Puget Sound Washington.
This software was developed by Neil Kelley and Bonnie Jonkman of NREL.
The archives below are for TurbSim v1.06 and v2. Newer versions and ongoing development now take place in GitHub in the OpenFAST repository.
TurbSim Change Log (v1.06.00, 44 KB, 3-October-2012)
This is a list of changes made to the code. Look at this text file to see if we've made worthwhile changes since you received your previous version of TurbSim.
TurbSim Overview (v1.21, 363 KB, 25-September-2012)
This is an overview of TurbSim features. Please refer to it when trying to understand what the program does.
TurbSim User's Guide: Version 1.50 (v1.06.00, 6.6 MB, 25-September-2012)
This is the TurbSim User's Guide. Please refer to it when trying to understand how the program works.
Last Updated Feb. 24, 2025