- Communication Standards
- Acronyms
View NREL’s most common acronyms and their definitions in the table below.
Acronym | Term |
A2LA | American Association for Laboratory Accreditation |
A | ampere |
AACG | American Association for Crystal Growth |
AALA | American Association for Laboratory Accreditation |
ABA | American Bioenergy Association |
ABB | Asea Brown Boveri |
ABE ferm | acetone-butanol-ethanol fermentation |
ABEC | Associated Bioengineers and Consultants |
ABO | air base operability |
ABR | anaerobic baffled reactor |
AC | air conditioning alternating current |
ACC | acetyl-CoA carboxylase |
ACCA | Air Conditioning Contractors of America |
ACCase | acetyl-CoA carboxylase |
ACCG | American Conference on Crystal Growth |
ACE | acetyl cellulose esterase American Coalition for Ethanol |
ACEC | American Consulting Engineers Council |
ACEEE | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy |
acfm | actual cubic feet per minute |
ach | air changes per hour |
ACI | asset condition index |
ACRES | Advanced Component Research Facility |
ACS | American Chemical Society |
ACTF | Advanced Component Test Facility (Georgia Institute of Technology) |
ACWA | American Clean Water Association |
AD | anaerobic digestion |
ADAM | ADvanced Automotive Manikin |
ADAMS | Automated Dynamic Analysis of Mechanical Systems (computer code) |
ADAS | advanced data acquisition system |
ADCC | advanced direct-contact condenser |
ADEPT | Assisting the Deployment of Energy Practices and Technologies |
ADH | alcohol dehydrogenate |
ADL | A. D. Little Co. |
ADM | Archer Daniels Midland |
ADMS | advanced distribution management system |
AD-MSS | anaerobically digested municipal sewage solids |
ADPI | Air Diffusion Performance Index |
ADVS | analog design verification system |
ADVISOR | Advanced Vehicle Simulator |
AE | acoustic emissions |
A/E | architectural/engineering |
AEA | Alaska Energy Authority |
AEC | U.S. Army Environmental Command |
AEDOT | Advanced Energy Design and Operations Technology |
AEE | Association of Energy Engineers |
AEI | Advanced Energy Initiative Alternative Energy Institute |
AEP | annual energy production |
AES | Atmospheric Environment Service auger electron spectroscopy |
AESP | Association of Energy Service Professionals |
A-factor | diode factor |
AF | alternative feedstocks Architects Foundation |
AFCESA | Air Force Civil Engineer Support Agency |
AFDC | Alternative Fuels Data Center |
AFDW | ash-free dry weight |
AFEX | ammonia freeze explosion |
AFM | atomic force microscopy |
AFP | Alternative Feedstocks Program |
AFPA | American Forest and Paper Association |
AFRD | Alternative Fuels Research and Development (Program) |
AFUE | annual fuel utilization efficiency |
AFUF | Alternative Fuels User Facility |
AFUP | Alternative Fuels Utilization Program |
AFV | alternative fuel vehicle |
AGA | American Gas Association |
AGMA | American Gear Manufacturers Association |
AGREA | Analysis Group for Regional Electricity Alternatives |
AGT | Advanced Garrett Turbine |
AHAC | active heating and cooling |
AHS | ammonia hydrogen sulfate |
AIA | American Institute of Architects |
AIAA | American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics |
AIA/RF | American Institute of Architects Research Foundation |
AIC | Advanced Industrial Concepts, Inc. |
aluminum-induced crystallization | Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Institute |
AIChE | American Institute of Chemical Engineers |
AIP | American Institute of Physics |
AIRR | adjusted internal rate of return |
AIVC | Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre |
ALP | anemometer loan program |
ALS | acetolactate synthase |
AM | air mass |
AMFA | Alternative Motor Fuels Act (of 1988) |
AMP | adenosine monophosphate or adenylic acid |
AMPP | Advanced Materials Processing Program |
AMPSA | 2-acrylamido-2-methyl-1-propane sulfonic acid |
AMS | American Meteorological Society |
AMTEXJ | American Textile Partnership |
amu | atomic mass units |
ANL | Argonne National Laboratory |
ANOVA | analysis of variance |
ANSI | American National Standards Institute |
AOC | Atlantic Orient Corp. |
AOCS | atmospheric optical calibration system |
AOSS | automated office support system |
AOP | annual operating plan |
APD | antiphase domain |
APEC | Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation |
API | American Petroleum Institute |
APP | alternative power producer |
APPA | American Public Power Association |
APL | Applied Physics Laboratory |
APR | advanced pyrolysis reactor |
APRAC | Air Pollution Research Advisory Committee |
APRR | active program research requirement |
APS | Advanced Photovoltaic Systems American Physical Society Arizona Public Service Co. |
APTA | American Public Transportation Association |
APU | auxiliary power units |
APUP | Alliance Partner University Program |
AQ | anthraquinone |
AQIRP | Air Quality Improvement Research Program |
AR | antireflective |
AR&D | advanced research and development |
ARB | Air Quality Review Board |
ARC | accelerating rate calorimeter |
ARCS | Atmospheric Radiation and Clouds Station |
ARE | active reactive evaporation |
ARES | Automated Residential Energy Standard |
ARL | Atmospheric Research Laboratory |
ARM | adjustable rate mortgage |
ARS | Agricultural Research Service |
ARRI | Automation and Robotics Research Institute |
ART | advanced research turbines |
ASCS | Advanced Stirling Conversion System |
ASD | Adjustable-speed drive Analytic Studies Division |
ASE | Alliance to Save Energy |
ASEAN | Association of Southeast Asian Nations |
ASEC | Applied Solar Energy Corp. |
ASEE | American Society for Engineering Education |
ASERTTI | Association of State Energy Research and Technology Transfer Institutions |
ASES | American Solar Energy Society |
ASHRAE | American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers; do not spell out |
a-Si | amorphous silicon |
ASL | acid-soluble lignin |
ASM | American Society of Microbiology |
ASME | American Society of Mechanical Engineers |
ASMS | American Society of Mass Spectrometry |
ASOS | automated surface observing system |
ASP | Aquatic Species Program |
ASPEN | advanced simulator for process engineering |
ASR | autoshredder residue |
ASRC | Atmospheric Sciences Research Center |
ASRM | advanced solar reflective mirror |
ASRP | Amorphous Silicon Research Project |
ASSET | analysis of state energy trade-offs databank |
ASTF | Alaska Science and Technology Foundation |
ASTM | ASTM International (do not spell out ASTM) |
ASU | Arizona State University |
ATA | American Trucking Associations |
ATCC | American-type culture collection |
ATD-CCM | Automotive Technology Development–Contractor's Coordination Meeting |
ATDD | Atmospheric Turbulence and Diffusion Division |
ATF | alternative transportation fuels |
ATM | Advanced Technology Materials Inc. |
ATP | adenosine triphosphate |
ATRA | Advanced Transit Association |
A&TT | Applications and Technology Transfer |
ATV | advanced technology vehicle |
AUI | asset utilization index |
AVC | auger voltage contrast |
AVF | Alternative Vehicle Forum |
AVG | Advanced Vehicles Group |
AVS | American Vacuum Society |
AWEA | American Wind Energy Association |
AWT | advanced wind turbine Advanced Wind Turbines, Inc. |
AWMA | American Waste Management Association |
AWU | Association of Western Universities |
AWWA | American Water Works Association |
AXE | acetyl xylan esterase |
BA | budget authorization |
BAA | Broad Agency Announcement |
BAE | Building Area Engineer |
BAO | Boulder Atmospheric Observatory |
BASF | company name; do not spell out |
BATF | Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms |
BC | biochemical conversion |
BCA | bicinchoninic acid |
BCCL | Biomass Chemical Characterization Laboratory |
BCPDU | Biochemical Process Development Unit |
BCRF | Biological and Chemical Research Facility |
BCS | beam characterization system |
BCTR | Biological and Chemical Technologies Research (Program) |
BDC | Bioenergy Development Corp. |
b-dRDF | binder-enhanced densified refuse-derived fuel |
BEC | Building Emergency Coordinator |
BEEP | Best of Energy Efficiency Program |
BERA | Biomass Energy Research Association |
BERD | building energy research and development |
BES | Basic Energy Sciences |
BEST | Bioengineering Simulation Technology |
BESTEST | Building Energy Simulation Test |
BET | Brunauer-Emett-Teller |
BETD | Biomass Energy Technology Division |
BEVA | building element vector analysis |
BEW | Behnke, Erdman & Whitaker Engineering |
BESS | battery energy storage system |
BGF | Biomass Gasification Facility |
BGSUF | Biomass Gasifier Scale-Up Facility |
BGVJ | back-grooved vertical junction cells |
BIPV | building-integrated photovoltaics |
BLC | building load coefficients |
BLM | Bureau of Land Management |
BMI | Basic Measuring Instruments |
BMP | biochemical methane potential biological methane potential |
BMTDC | Biobased Materials Technology Development Center |
BMS | building management systems |
BMWT(D) | Biofuels and Municipal Waste Technology (Division) |
BNL | Brookhaven National Laboratory |
BOA | basic ordering agreement |
BOD | biological oxygen demand |
BOMA | Building Owners and Managers Association |
BOPD | barrels of oil per day |
BOR | Bureau of Reclamation |
BORCAL | broad band outdoor radiometer calibration |
BOS | balance of systems |
BPA | blanket purchase agreement |
BPCL | Biobased Polymer and Composites Laboratory |
BQ | benzoquinone |
B&R | budget and reporting code |
BSA | bovine serum albumin |
BSC | Basic Sciences Center |
BSD | Biofuels Systems Division |
BSF | back surface field |
BSR | back surface reflector |
BST | building-specific training |
BTDC | before top dead center |
BTECC | Building Thermal Envelope Coordinating Council |
BTEX | benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene |
BTF | Blade Test Facility |
BTRF | Biotechnology Research Facility |
Btu | British thermal unit |
BTX | benzene, toluene, xylene |
BU | Boston University |
BWEA | British Wind Energy Association (now called RenewableUK) |
C2B2 | Colorado Center for Biorefining and Biofuels |
CA | cellulose acetate |
CAAA-90 | Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 |
CAB | cellulose acetate butyrate |
CACS | Commercial and Apartment Conservation Service |
CAD | computer-aided design |
CADCO | company name; do not spell out |
CADD | computer-assisted design and drafting |
CADDET | Center for the Analysis and Dissemination of Demonstrated Energy Technologies |
CAE | computer-aided engineering |
CAER | Center for Applied Energy Research (University of Kentucky) |
CAFE | corporate average fuel economy |
CAFI | Consortium on Applied Fundamentals and Innovation |
C-AFM | conductive atomic force microscopy |
CAIS | Condition Assessment Information System |
CALSEIA | California Solar Energy Industries Association |
Caltech | California Institute of Technology |
c-AMP | cyclic-AMP |
CAN | controller area networks |
CANMET | Canadian Center for Mineral and Energy Technologies |
CANWEA | Canadian Wind Energy Association |
CAP | cellulase acetate propionate |
CARB | California Air Resources Board |
CAREIRS | Conservation and Renewable Energy Inquiry and Referral Service |
CARES | Conservation and Renewable Energy System |
CARS | Coherent Anti/Stokes Raman spectroscopy |
CAS | condition assessment survey |
CASH | Canadian, American, Swedish Hydrolysis |
CAT | Chemical Analysis and Testing (task name) |
CATI | Colorado Advanced Technology Institute |
C/B | catalyst/biomass |
CBC | circuit breaker control |
CBD | chemical bath deposition |
CBI | Chicago Bridge and Iron |
CBH | cellobiohydrolase |
CC | closed cycle |
CCAP | Center for Clean Air Policy Climate Change Action Plan |
CCC | Collaborative Consensus Committee |
CCD | capacitively coupled device |
CCE | cost of conserved energy |
CCEM | Colorado Center for Environmental Management |
CCI | Community College Institute |
CC/PT | combined-cycle power tower |
CD | construction and demolition |
CDBG | community development block grant |
CDC | Control Data Corp. |
CDD | cooling degree-day |
CDBG | community development block grant |
CDOT | Colorado Department of Transportation |
CDR | Conceptual Design Review |
CDRR | conceptual design report revision |
CdTe | cadmium telluride |
CEC | California Energy Commission |
CEG | Clean Energy Group, Inc |
CEM | continuous emission monitoring |
CEO | chief executive officer |
CEPEL | Centro de Pesquisas de Energia Elétrica (equivalent of EPRI in Brazil) |
CEQ | Council on Environmental Quality |
CER | carbon dioxide evolution rate |
CERCLA | Comprehensive Response Compensation and Liability Act |
CERL | Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers) |
CERT | Council of Energy Resource Tribes |
CESC | Colorado Energy Science Center |
CET | Center for EcoTechnology |
CF | capacity factor |
CFC | chlorofluorocarbon |
CFCC | continuous fiber ceramic component |
CFD | computational fluid dynamics |
CFFV | clean fuel fleet vehicle |
CFL | compact fluorescent lighting |
cfm | cubic feet per minute |
CFR | code of federal regulations Consolidated Fuels Research |
CFRD | contract-funded research and development |
CFTP | Cooperative Field Test Program |
CFTT | contract-funded technology transfer |
CFV | clean fuel vehicle |
CGI | controllable grid interface |
CGS | copper gallium diselenide |
CHESF | (equivalent of Bonneville Power Administration in northeastern Brazil) |
CHIL | controller-hardware-in-the-loop |
CHP | combined heat and power |
CH-OIP | Chicago Office of Intellectual Property |
CHP | combined heat and power |
CHPC | combined heat, power, and cooling plant |
CID | collision-induced dissociation |
CIDI | compressed-ignition direct-injection |
CIFAR | California Institute for Foods and Agricultural Research |
CIFER | Colorado Institute for Fuels and Engine Research |
CIGS | CuInGaSe2 (copper indium gallium diselenide) |
CIGSS | CuInGaSSe2 (copper indium gallium sulfur selenide) |
CIP | continuation in part |
CIR | collision induced reaction |
CIRB | Colorado Institute for Research and Biology |
CIRES | Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Science |
CIS | CuInSe2 (copper indium diselenide) |
CIT | continuous improvement team |
CL | cathodoluminescence |
CLEFT | cleavage of lateral epitaxial film for transfer |
CLF | Conference and Learning Facility (STM Site) |
CLOUT | Coalition for Learning Opportunity and United Tutors |
CMAQ | Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Development Program |
CMB | Chemical Mass Balance (receptor model) |
CMC | carboxymethyl cellulose |
CMCase | carboxymethyl cellulase |
CMFERT | Collaborative Manufacturing Buildings Facility for Energy Research and Testing |
CMR | continuous-flow microreactor system |
CMS | compatible molten salt |
CMTF | Collector Module Test Facility (Sandia National Laboratories) |
CMU | Carnegie-Mellon University |
CMWC | Consolidated Mutual Water Company |
CN | cetane number |
CNG | Colorado National Guard |
C-NMR | carbon-nuclear magnetic resonance |
C/N ratio | carbon/nitrogen ratio |
CNT | carbon nanotube |
CO2 | carbon dioxide |
CO | carbon monoxide |
COD | chemical oxygen demand |
COE | cost of energy |
COMMEND | commercial end-use |
CONEG | Council of Northeastern Governors |
CONFRRM | Cooperative Network for Renewable Resource Measurements |
CONUS | Continental United States or Contiguous United States (see separate Style Guide entry for details) |
COP | coefficient of performance |
CORECT | Committee on Renewable Energy Commerce and Trade |
COSE | cost of saved energy |
COTS | commercial off the shelf |
CPFF | cost plus fixed fee |
CPG | Cummins Power Generation Inc. |
CPI | Consumer Price Index |
CPM | communications processing module |
CP/MAS | cross-polarization magic angle spinning |
CPS | capsular polysaccharide |
CPUC | California Public Utilities Commission |
CPV | concentrating photovoltaics |
CR | central receiver |
CRADA | cooperative research and development agreement |
CRC | Coordinating Research Council |
CRD | contractor requirements document |
CREC | Colorado Renewable Energy Collaboratory |
CREED | Colorado Renewable Energy and Economic Development Facility |
CREF | Colorado Renewable Energy Forum |
CREST | Center for Renewable Energy and Sustainable Technology |
CREW | Center for Research and Education in Wind |
CRP | Conservation Reserve Program |
CRS | central receiver system |
CRSP | Center for Revolutionary Solar Photoconversion |
Csave | cost of saved energy |
CSB | Colorado Science Bowl |
CSCVT | close-space chemical vapor transport |
CSDS | Concentrating Solar Deployment System |
CSEN | Colorado Science Education Network |
c-Si | crystalline silicon |
CSIRO | Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization |
CSL | corn steep liquor |
CSMRI | Colorado School of Mines Research Institute |
CSO | Cognizant Secretarial Office |
CSP | concentrating solar power |
CSR | Climatological Solar Radiation |
CSS | close-spaced sublimation |
CSSA | cellulose sulfate sodium salt |
CST | Central Solar Technology (DOE) |
CSTR | continuous stirred tank reactor |
CSTRR | Corporation for Solar Technologies and Renewable Resources |
CSVT | close-space vapor transport |
CSW | corn steep water |
CT | combustion turbine |
CTA | cellulose triacetate |
CTAA | Community Transportation Association of America |
CTE | coefficient of thermal expansion |
CTI | Climate Technology Initiative |
CTRF | Central Receiver Test Facility |
CU | University of Colorado |
CURD | Crop Utilization Research Database |
C-V | capacitance-voltage |
CVC | Community Volunteer Connections |
CVD | chemical vapor deposition |
CVI | compact vacuum insulation |
CVM | cluster-variation method |
CVT | chemical/vapor transport |
CW | continuous-wave |
CWA | Clean Water Act |
CWMI | Cornell Waste Management Institute |
CWP | cold water pipe |
CY | calendar year |
CZ | Czochralski |
D&R | company name; do not spell out |
DAB | Design Advisory Board |
DAC | Design Assistance Center |
DAR | direct absorption receiver |
DARPA | Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency |
DARTS | direct absorption receiver and thermal storage |
DACS | data acquisition and control system |
DAS | data acquisition system |
DAS-RE | Deputy Assistant Secretary, Renewable Energy |
DAWT | diffuser-augmented wind turbine |
DBOM | dual-beam optical modulation |
DBT | dibenzothiophene |
DC | direct current |
DCA | dicarboxylic acid |
DCAA | Defense Contracting Auditing Agency Department of Cost and Accounting Audit |
DCB | dichlorobenzene |
DCC | direct-contact condenser |
DCE | dichloroethylene |
DCFROR | discounted cash flow/rate of return |
DCHX | direct-contact heat exchanger |
DCS | distributed collector system |
DDGS | distillers dried grains with solubles |
DDRD | Director's Discretionary Research and Development |
DFMA | design for manufacture and assembly |
DE | destruction efficiency distributed energy |
DEAE | diethylaminoethyl |
DEER | Distributed Energy and Electric Reliability |
DEGC | diethylgallium chloride |
DEGREES | Dynamic Energy and Greenhouse Emissions Evaluation System |
DEG/SE | Davis Energy Group/SunEarth |
DETL | Distributed Energy Technologies Laboratory |
DEMP | Departmental Energy Management Program |
DEP | Department of Environmental Protection diethylphthalate |
DERMS | distributed energy resource management system |
DER | distributed energy resource |
DEWI | (German Wind Energy Institute) |
DFMA | design for manufacture and assembly |
DFMECA | design failure mode effects and criticality analysis |
DFSS | dedicated feedstock supply system |
DFV | digital functional vehicle |
DFR | design for reliability |
DG | distributed generation |
DGAP | data gathering and processing |
DHC | district heating and cooling |
DHE | dynamic hydrogen electrode |
DHS | dehydroshikimic acid |
DHW | domestic hot water |
DI | deionized |
DING | direct injection natural gas |
DJ | dual junction |
DLTS | deep level transient spectroscopy |
DLR | German Aerospace Center |
DM | deutschmarks |
DMA | data, modeling, and analysis |
DMBQ | 2,6-dimethoxybenzoquinone |
DMC | direct microbial conversion |
DME | dimethyl ether |
DMME | Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy (State of Virginia) |
DMSO | dimethyl sulfoxide |
DMT | dimethyl terephthalate |
DNA | Defense Nuclear Agency deoxyribonucleic acid |
DNB | departure from nucleate boiling |
DNNA | Daylighting Network of North America (now called the Daylight Institute) |
DNS | dinitrosalicylic acid |
DNI | direct normal incident |
DO | dissolved oxygen |
DOC | U.S. Department of Commerce |
DOD | U.S. Department of Defense |
DOE | U.S. Department of Energy |
DOE CH | DOE Chicago Operations Office |
DOE EH | DOE Environment, Safety, and Health |
DOE EM | DOE Environmental Restoration and Waste Management |
DOE FE | DOE Fossil Energy |
DOE HQ | DOE Headquarters |
DOE RFO | DOE Rocky Flats Office |
DOE SAN | DOE San Francisco Site Office |
DOH | U.S. Department of Housing |
DOS | density of states |
DOT | U.S. Department of Transportation |
DP | distributed power |
DPP | Distributed Power Program |
DQMS | data quality management system |
dRDF | densified refuse-derived fuel |
DRE | destruction and removal efficiency |
DRI | Data Resources Inc. Desert Research Institute |
DRIFT | diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform |
DS | degree of substitution |
DSA | diafiltration saccharification assay |
DSC | differential scanning calorimeter |
DSE | degree of synergistic effect |
DSET | DSET Laboratories; not an acronym, do not spell out |
DSM | demand-side management |
DSP | digital signal processor |
DSMTI | Demand-Side Management Training Institute |
DTA | differential thermal analysis |
dtPD | dry tonne per day |
dTPD | dry ton per day |
DTS | differential transmittance spectra |
DUV | Distributed Utility Valuation |
DVM | digital voltmeter |
DWEA | Distributed Wind Energy Association |
DWS | desktop workstation |
EA | environmental assessment |
EAC | estimate at completion |
EADC | Energy Analysis and Diagnostic Center |
EAO | Energy Analysis Office |
EASA | Electrical Apparatus Service Association |
EAWAG | (Swiss Federal Institute for Environmental Science and Technology) |
EB | electron beam |
EBIC | electron beam induced current |
EBIV | electron beam induced voltage |
EBSD | electron backscatter diffraction |
EC | European Community |
ECD | electron capture detector |
ECM | electronic control module |
ECN | (Netherlands Energy Research Foundation) |
ECP | energy conversion panel |
ECR | electron cyclotron resonance |
ECRE | U.S. Export Council for Renewable Energy |
ECS | Electrochemical Society |
ECUT | Energy Conversion and Utilization Technologies |
ECW | electrochromic windows |
EDAX | energy dispersive analysis by x-ray |
EDF | Environmental Defense Fund |
EDS | Electronic Data Systems |
EDU | engineering development unit |
EEAD | Energy and Environmental Analysis Division |
EEBA | Energy Efficient Building Association |
ECC | environmental concept car |
EEC | European Economic Community |
EEEDAL | ethanol-extracted explosively depressurized aspen lignin |
EEI | Edison Electric Institute |
EELS | electron energy loss spectroscopy |
EEM | energy-efficient mortgages |
EER | electrolyte electroreflectance energy and environmental research energy efficiency ratio |
EERE | Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy |
EERRN | Enhanced Energy Recovery and Refining News |
EES | Energy Extension Service |
EESE | ethanol-extracted, steam-exploded (aspen) |
EESI | Environmental and Energy Study Institute |
EFD | electrofluid dynamic (Wind Energy System) |
EFG | edge-defined, film-fed growth |
Eg | bandgap energy |
EG I | endoglucanase I |
EGEAS | electric generation expansion analysis system |
EGR | exhaust gas recirculation |
EGS | enhanced or engineered geothermal system |
EGUMS | electric and gas utilities modeling system |
EH | Environment, Safety, and Health (DOE) |
EHP | Electric Hybrid Propulsion |
EH&S | environmental health and safety |
EIA | Energy Information Administration |
EIES | electron impact emission spectroscopy |
EIR | Environmental Impact Report |
EIS | Environmental Impact Statement |
EL | electroluminescence |
ELH | a type of lamp used in solar simulators and projects; not an acronym, do not spell out |
ELISA | enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay |
EM | Office of Environmental Restoration and Waste Management (DOE) |
EMA | Engine Manufacturers’ Association |
EMAP | energy master action plan |
EMAP | energy map |
EMB | eutectic metal bonding |
EMD | Electronic Materials Division |
EMF | Energy Modeling Forum |
EMI | elecromagnetic interference |
EMMA | equatorial mount with mirrors for acceleration |
EMP | Embden-Meyerhof-Parms (pathway) |
EMT | emerging module technology |
ENEA | Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and the Environment |
ENR | Energy and Natural Resources |
EP | emissions parameter |
EPA | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency |
EPAC | Ethanol Producers and Consumers |
EPA-ORD | Environmental Protection Agency – Office of Research and Development |
EPA/RTP | Environmental Protection Agency/Research Triangle Park |
EPAct | Energy Policy Act |
EPC | Engineer, Procure, Construct |
Epi-fz | epitaxial float-zoned |
EPMA | electron probe microanalysis |
EPP | Enterprise Project Planning |
EPR | use acronym; do not spell out |
EPRE | Ente Provincial Regulador Energetico (Argentina) |
EPRI | Electric Power Research Institute |
EPS | electrochemical photocapacitance spectroscopy |
EPV | Energy Photovoltaics |
ER | electric reliability |
ERC | Energy Research Corp. |
ERCIP | Energy Resilience and Conservation Investment Program |
ERDA | Energy Research and Development Administration |
ERG | Energy Research Groups, International |
ERHA | Energy Rated Homes of America |
ERIP | Energy Related Inventions Program |
ERTA | Energy Recovery and Tax Act (1981) |
ERULF | Energy Research Undergraduate Laboratory Fellowship (DOE) |
ERV | energy recovery ventilator |
ESCA | electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis |
ESCO | energy services company |
ESD | electron stimulated desorption |
ESG | Energy Systems Group (Rockwell International) |
ES&H | Environment, Safety, and Health |
ESH&Q | Environmental, Safety, Health, and Quality |
ESI | energy systems integration (as a general area of study) |
ESIF | Energy Systems Integration Facility |
ESM | energy system monitoring |
ESP | edge-supported pulling |
ESPC | energy savings performance contract |
ESR | electron spin resonance |
ESST | Engine Support System Technology |
ETBE | ethyl tertiary butyl ether |
ETC | Energy Technology Conference |
ETCE | Energy Technology Conference and Exhibition |
ETEC | Energy Technology and Engineering Center (a division of Rockwell) |
ETI | Environmental Technology Initiative |
ETMY | estimated typical meteorological year |
EtOAc | ethyl acetate |
EtOH | ethanol |
ETR | exploratory technology research |
ETS | Edwards Test Stations (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) |
EUL | enhanced use leasing |
EV | electric vehicle |
EVA | ethylene vinyl acetate |
EVMS | Earned Value Management System |
EVTECA | electric vehicle total energy cycle analysis |
EWG | Evaluation Working Group |
EXAFS | extended x-ray absorption fine structure |
EX-IM | U.S Export-Import Bank |
EYH | Expanding Your Horizons (event/program) |
FAA | Federal Aviation Administration |
FAC | FIMS Advisory Committee |
FACC | Ford Aerospace and Communications Corp. |
FACT | Field Assessment Coordinating Team |
FAME | fatty acid methyl ether |
FAQ | frequently asked question |
FAR | Federal Acquisition Rules |
FAS | flow angle sensors |
FAST | Fatigue, Aerodynamics, Structures, and Turbulence |
FBC | fluidized-bed combustion |
FBP | Federal Bureau of Prisons |
FC | flow controller |
fcc | face-centered cubic |
FCC | fluid cracking catalyst |
FCI | Facility Condition Index |
FCV | fuel cell vehicle |
FCVT | FreedomCAR and Vehicle Technologies (Program) |
FDRS | financial data and reporting system |
FE | fossil energy |
FEA | finite-element analysis |
FECS | fire-expanded clay sphere |
FEEF | Federal Energy Efficiency Fund |
FEM | finite element model |
FEMA | Federal Emergency Management Agency |
FEMP | Federal Energy Management Program |
FEP | fluorinated ethylene propylene |
FERC | Federal Energy Regulatory Commission |
FERCO | Future Energy Resources Corp. |
FETA | Field Experiment Test Area |
FF | fill factor |
FFPT | fixed focal point trough |
FFRDC | federally funded research & development center |
FFV | flexible-fuel vehicle |
FHA | Federal Housing Administration |
FHWA | Federal Highway Administration |
FIB | focused ion beam |
FID | flame ionization detector (for hydrocarbons) |
FIMS | Facilities Information Management System |
FIRST | Facility for Integrated Renewable Systems Testing |
FLAP | Force and Loads Analysis Program |
FLC | Federal Laboratory Consortium |
FLEX | Federal Lighting Energy EXpert |
FM | flow meter |
FMDF | fixed mirror, distributed focus |
FMVSS | Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards |
FmHA | Farmers Home Administration |
FOA | Funding Opportunity Announcement |
Fob | fuel on board |
FOG | fat, oil, and grease |
FONSI | Finding of No Significant Impact |
FOUP | Front-Opening Unified Pod |
FPA | filter paper activity |
FPG | Fuels Performance Group |
FPIP | Federal Project Implementation Partnership |
FPRP | Fats and Protein Research Foundation |
FPTF | Facilities Planning Task Force |
FPU | filter paper units |
FR | flame retardant |
FREE | financial residential energy efficiency |
FREScA | Federal Renewable Energy Screening Assistant |
FRI | Federal Relighting Initiative |
FRP | fiberglass reinforced plastic |
FSA | flat plate solar array |
FSEC | Florida Solar Energy Center |
FSLR | fast solar load ration |
FSP | federal standby plan (or program) |
FSTA | full-scale test article |
FTC | Federal Trade Commission |
FTE | full-time equivalent |
FTIR | Fourier transform infrared (used with spectroscopy) |
FTLB | Field Test Laboratory Building |
FTLF | Field Test Laboratory Facility |
FT-NMR | Fourier transform-nuclear magnetic resonance |
FTP | federal test procedure |
FWDC | Foster Wheeler Development Corp. |
FWP | field work proposal |
FY | fiscal year |
FZ | float zone |
GA | general atomic |
G&A | general and administrative |
GAO | General Accounting Office |
GATT | General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs |
GB | grain boundary |
GC | gas chromatograph |
GC/MS | gas chromatograph/mass spectroscope |
GC/MSD | gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer detector |
GDC | Green Data Center |
GDO | Geothermal Drilling Organization |
GDP | gross domestic product |
GDV | General Development Vision |
GE | General Electric |
GEA | Geothermal Energy Association |
GE-AED | General Electric Co. Advanced Energy Department |
GE-SCD | General Electric Co. Simulation and Controls Department |
GEBA | Global Energy Budget Archive |
GECF | Geothermal Energy Conversion Facility |
GEEREF | Global Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Fund |
GEF | Global Environment Facility |
GER | Geophysical Environmental Research |
GFI | gaseous fuel injection |
GFO | Golden Field Office |
gge | gasoline gallon equivalent |
GHG | greenhouse gas |
GHP | geothermal heat pump |
GHPC | Geothermal Heat Pump Consortium |
GIDAS | Geographical Information Data Analysis System |
GIS | geographic information system |
GIT | Georgia Institute of Technology |
GMI | Grid Modernization Initiative |
GMLC | Grid Modernization Laboratory Consortium |
GMP | general management plan |
GMS | gas management system |
GMT | Greenwich Mean Time |
GNP | gross national product |
GOES | Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite |
GOSI | General Organization for Social Insurance |
GPC | gel permeation chromatography |
GPE | general plant equipment |
GPI | General Purpose Investment |
GPO | U.S. Government Publishing Office |
GPP | general post processor |
GPP/GPE | general plant project/general purpose equipment |
GPP/LI | general plant project and line item construction |
GPRA | Government Performance Results Act |
GPT | gas phase titration |
GPW | GeoPowering the West |
GRAS | generally regarded as safe |
GRC | Geothermal Resources Council |
GRG | Grassroots Giving |
GRI | Gas Research Institute |
GRP | glass-reinforced plastic |
GSA | U.S. General Services Administration |
GSE | Global Solar Energy |
GSF | gross square feet |
GSHP | ground source heat pump |
GSIP | Government Solar Installation Program |
GSO | goods and services on order |
GTC | generator test cell |
GTI | Gas Technology Institute |
GTO | Geothermal Technology Organization |
GTP | Geothermal Technologies Program |
GTRI | Georgia Tech Research Institute |
GTSF | Georgia Tech Solar Furnace |
GUI | graphical user interface |
GVW | gross vehicle weight |
GW | gigawatt |
GWP | global warming potential |
H2S | hydrogen sulfide |
HAC | hydroxyacetaldehyde |
HALT | highly accelerated lifetime testing |
HAWT | horizontal-axis wind turbine |
HAZOP | hazard and operability |
HBCU | Historically Black Colleges and Universities |
HCE | heat collection element |
HCFC | hydrochlorofluorocarbon |
HCRF | Heat Cycle Research Facility |
HCSC | hot carrier solar cell |
HDD | heating degree-day |
HDPE | high-density polyethylene |
HDR | hot dry rock |
HDV | heavy-duty vehicle |
HEC | herbaceous energy crop |
HECO | Hawaiian Electric Co. |
HEEB | high-energy electron beam |
HEM | heat exchanger method |
HENMC | high-energy nickel, manganese, and cobalt cathode |
HEPA | high-efficiency particle filter absolute |
HERS | Hawaiian Electric Renewable Systems |
HEV | hybrid electric vehicle |
HEXA | hexamethylene tetramine |
HFC | high-flux cavity |
HFCIT | Hydrogen, Fuel Cell, and Infrastructure Technologies (Program) |
HFSF | High-Flux Solar Furnace |
HFSS | high-flux solar simulator |
HGCU | hot-gas cleanup |
HIBRP | Hawaii Integrated Biofuels Research Program |
HIC | hydrophobic interaction chromatography |
HID | high-intensity discharge |
HIL | hardware-in-the-loop |
HiPerf PV | High-Performance Photovoltaics Project |
HIPSS | high-intensity pulsed solar simulator |
HMF | hydroxyl-methyl-furfural |
HMO | heat medium oil |
HMTEA | Heat- and Mass-Transfer Experimental Apparatus |
HMTSTA | Heat- and Mass-Transfer Scoping Test Apparatus |
HNEI | Hawaii Natural Energy Institute |
HOMER | Hybrid Optimization Model for Electric Renewables |
HOST | Hawaii Ocean Science Technology |
HOV | high-occupancy vehicle |
HP | Hewlett Packard |
HPAEC | high-performance anion exchange chromatography |
HPC | high-performance computing |
HP-DSC | high-pressure differential scanning calorimetry |
HPLC | high-performance liquid chromatograph |
HPP | high-pressure plasma |
HPSEC | high-performance size exclusion chromatography |
HPTB | Hybrid Power Test Bed |
HQ | headquarters |
HRII | High-Reliability Inverter Initiative |
HRT | hydraulic retention time |
HRTEM | high-resolution transmission electron microscopy |
HRV | heat recovery ventilator |
HSD | high-solids digester |
HSL | hybrid solar lighting |
HSPA | Hawaiian Sugar Planters’ Association |
HSPF | heating seasonal performance factor |
HTAP | Hydrogen Technical Advisory Panel |
HTF | heat transfer fluid |
HTIP | Hydrogen Technical Interagency Panel |
HTML | High Temperature Materials Laboratory |
HTR | high throughput reactor |
HTS | high-temperature superconductor |
HTSC | high-temperature superconducting |
HTTB | hybrid technology test bed |
HUD | Housing and Urban Development |
HVAC | heating, ventilating, and air conditioning |
HVDC | high-voltage direct current |
HVST | high-voltage stress test |
HWCVD | hot-wire chemical vapor deposition |
HWFET | highway fuel economy test |
HWVE | hot-wall vacuum evaporation |
IACS | Indian Association for Cultivation of Science |
IADB | Inter-American Development Bank |
IAEE | International Association for Energy Economics |
IAG | industry average gasoline |
IAP | indirect annual plan |
IAQ | indoor air quality |
IBACOS | Integrated Building and Construction Solutions |
IBAD | ion-beam assisted vapor deposition |
IBIS | International Biosynthetics (name of company) |
IBMER | (Institute for Buildings, Mechanization, and Electrification of Agriculture) (Poland) |
IBRF | Integrated Biorefinery Research Facilities |
IC | integrated circuit |
ICB | ionized cluster beam |
ICE | industrial combustion equipment |
ICEV | internal combustion engine vehicle |
ICF Inc. | Company name; not an acronym |
ICI | Imperial Chemicals Inc. |
ICLEI | International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives |
ICP | inductively coupled plasma |
ICPC | inductively coupled plasma concentrator |
ICS | integrated collector storage |
ICTMC | International Conference on Ternary and Multinary Compounds |
ID | inside diameter |
IDC | internal diameter clearance |
IDIP | in-line diagnostics and intelligent processing |
IDIQ | indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity (FEMP) |
IDM | International Display Materials (company name) |
IDMP | International Daylight Measurement Program |
IEA | International Energy Agency |
IEC | International Electrotechnical Commission |
IECEC | Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference |
IEEE | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers |
IEF | International Energy Foundation |
IEP | Independent Energy Producer |
IES | Illuminating Engineering Society |
IFI | Integrated Facilities and Infrastructure |
IFPU | international filter paper units |
IGCC | integrated gasification and combined cycle |
IGES | inert gas exhaust system |
IGMA | Insulating Glass Manufacturers Alliance |
IGPP | Institutional General Plant Project |
IHP | industrial heat pump |
IIT | Illinois Institute of Technology |
IITRI | Illinois Institute of Technology Research Institute |
ILEV | inherently low-emission vehicle |
I/M | inspection/maintenance |
IMA | impact-modified acrylic |
IMEC | Interuniversity Microelectronics Center |
IMEP | indicated mean effective pressure |
IMIC | Infrastructure Modernization Implementation Committee |
IMP | ion-moderated partition |
IMS | integrated mechanical system |
IMTS | International Meeting of Test Stations |
IMVS | intensity-modulated photovoltage spectroscopy |
INL | Idaho National Laboratory |
I/O | input/output |
IOU | investor-owned utility |
IP | intermediate process |
IPA | isopropyl alcohol |
IPAC | Intra-Governmental Payment and Collection |
IPC | Institute of Paper Chemistry |
IPEG | interim price estimation guidelines |
IPH | industrial process heat |
IPO | initial public offering |
IPP | independent power producer |
IPST | Institute of Paper Science and Technology |
IQT | interim qualification testing |
IR | infrared |
I-R100 | (Industrial Research Award, see R&D 100) |
IRAP | Insolation Resource Assessment Program |
IRB | Internal Review Budget |
IREC | Interstate Renewable Energy Council |
IRL | Insolation Resource Laboratory |
IRM | integrated resource management |
IRP | integrated resource planning |
IRR | internal rate of return |
ISCC | Interstate Solar Coordination Council |
ISCCP | International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project |
ISCCS | integrated solar combined-cycle system |
ISE | Institute for Solar Energy |
ISES | International Solar Energy Society |
ISET | International Solar Electric Technology |
ISIS | NOAA Integrated Surface Irradiance Study |
ISM | integrated safety management |
ISMA | interactive self-modeling multivariate analysis |
ISO | independent system operator |
ISOE | (see SPIE) |
ISP | Information Services Program |
ISS | ion scattering spectroscopy |
IST | Industrial Solar Technology |
ITE | Institute of Transportation Engineers |
ITIS | Integrated Technical Information Service |
ITN/ES | ITN Energy Systems |
ITO | indium tin oxide |
ITSAC | International Thermal Storage Advisory Council |
ITUTF | Industrial Thermochemical User Test Facility |
IUF | Industrial User Facility |
IUPAC | International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry |
I-V | current voltage |
IVHS | Intelligent Vehicle Highway Systems |
IWP | Industrial Waste Program |
IWS | Industrial Welding and Supply Co. |
IWSA | Integrated Waste Services Association |
J | joule |
JCGS | Joint Center for Graduate Studies |
JEDI | Jobs and Economic Development Impact |
JGCRI | Joint Global Change Research Institute |
JNCP | justification for noncompetitive procurement |
JPL | Jet Propulsion Laboratory |
Jsc | short-circuit current |
JSEE | Journal of Solar Energy Engineering |
JSF | Joyce Street Facility |
JSME | Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers |
J-V | current density voltage |
JVP | joint venture project |
JWS | joint work statement |
KAD | known airflow device |
KACST | King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology |
KAPL | Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory |
KEURP | Kansas Electric Utilities Research Program |
KFA | Kernforschungsenlage |
KGRA | known geothermal resource area |
kHz | kilohertz |
KIER | Korea Institute for Energy Research |
KIESD | Kentucky Institute for the Environment and Sustainable Development |
KSES | Korean Solar Energy Society |
kW | kilowatt |
kWhe | kilowatt hour electric |
kWht | kilowatt hour thermal |
kWp | kilowatt peak |
kV | kilovolt |
LACMTA | Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transit Authority |
LACSS | large-area, continuous-solar simulator |
LADWP | Los Angeles Department of Water and Power |
LALCO | low-aromatics light cycle oil |
LAN | local area network |
LANL | Los Alamos National Laboratory |
LANSIR | large-aperture, near-specular imaging reflectometer |
LAP | laboratory analytical procedure (protocol) |
LAPSS | large-area pulse solar simulator |
LAPW | linearized augmented plane wave |
LASL | Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory |
LASS | low-angle silicon sheet |
LB | Langmuir-Blodgett (a type of analysis) |
LBES | Laboratory of Biomedical and Environmental Sciences (University of California, Los Angeles) |
LBIC | laser beam induced current |
LBNL | Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
LBTF | Large Blade Test Facility |
LCA | life cycle assessment |
LCC | life cycle costs |
LCD | liquid crystal display |
LCGO | light coker gas oil |
LCHP | laboratory chemical hygiene plan |
LCNT | low concentration nontracking |
LCO | light-cycle oil |
LCOE | levelized cost of energy |
LD | laser diode |
LDA | laser doppler anemometry |
LDV | laser doppler velocimeter |
LDRD | Laboratory Directed Research and Development Program |
LEBS | low-emission boiler system |
LEC | levelized energy cost |
LED | light-emitting diode |
LEED | Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design |
LEFR | laminar entrained-flow reactor (associated with black-liquor gasification) |
LEGR | leading-edge grain roughness |
LEP | Low Emission Partnership |
LES | liquid encapsulated synthesis |
LEV | low-emission vehicle |
LFDR | line-focus distributed receiver |
LFG | landfill gas |
LHR | low-heat rejection |
LI-COR | company name; do not spell out |
LIPA | Long Island Power Authority |
LIST | long-term inflow and structural testing (NWTC Wind Program) |
LL | MIT Lincoln Laboratory |
LLL | Lawrence Livermore Laboratory |
LLNL | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
LLP | laboratory-level procedure |
LMA | Lockheed Martin Astronautics |
LMW | low molecular weight |
LNG | liquefied natural gas |
LO | longitudinal optical |
LOI | letter of interest (letter of intent is always spelled out) |
LORRE | Laboratory on Renewable Resources Engineering |
LP | linear programming |
LPE | liquid phase epitaxy |
LPG | liquefied petroleum gas |
LP QCM | liquid-phase quartz crystal microbalance |
LPSO | Lead Program Secretarial Office |
LRC | Lighting Research Center |
LSCAP | light stimulated capacitance |
LSF | liquid state fermentation |
LSS | laser scan system |
LSTTF | Large-Scale Thermal Test Facility |
LTS | long-term stewardship |
LTU | Lawrence Technological University |
LTV | loan-to-value |
LVV | (energy transition, not an acronym; do not spell out) |
LWCRF | Large Wind Component Reliability Facility |
LWTTF | Large Wind Turbine Test Facility |
M&E | measurement and evaluation |
M&V | measurement and verification |
MAERC | Minority Access to Energy-Related Research Careers |
MAMTC | Mid-America Manufacturing Technology Center |
MAS | Massachusetts Audubon Society |
MAS-NMR | magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance |
MAT | micro-activity test |
MATM | matrix approach to testing mirrors |
MAPPS | modular autonomous photovoltaic power supply |
MB | molecular beam |
MBE | mean bias error |
MBI | Michigan Biotechnology Institute |
MBMDPE | metallocene-based multi-density polyethylene |
MBMS | molecular beam mass spectrometer (if it is spectrometry, spell it all out) |
MBQ | monomethoxybenzoquinone |
MBTQMS | molecular beam triple quadrupole mass spectrometer |
MBWA | management by walking around |
mc | multicrystalline |
MCFC | molten carbonate fuel cell |
MCS | master control system |
MDA | Marine Development Associates, Inc. |
MDAC | McDonnell Douglas Astronautics Co. |
MDC | McDonnell Douglas Corporation |
MDT | mean daily total |
MEC | Model Energy Code |
MEE | migration-enhanced epitaxy |
MEG | multiple-exciton generation |
MEMP | Municipal Energy Management Program |
MESA | Mathematics, Engineering, & Science Achievement |
METC | Morgantown Energy Technology Center |
MEVP | modular electric vehicle program |
MF | microfiltration |
MFG | motor fuel grade |
MFRB | multipurpose fluidized reactor bed |
MG | metallurgical grade |
MHEA | mobile home energy audit |
MHK | marine and hydrokinetic |
MICC | metal interconnected cascade cell |
MIM | monolithic interconnected module |
MIPR | military interdepartmental purchase requisition |
MIR | maximum incremental reactivity |
MIS | Management Information Systems |
MISR | Modular Industrial Solar Retrofit (Program) |
MISS | metal insulator semiconductor switch |
MIT | Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
MITE | Municipal Solid Waste Innovative Technology Evaluation |
MITI | Ministry of International Trade and Industry (Japan) |
MLTE | module long-term exposure |
MM | man months |
MMBQ | monomethoxybenzoquinone |
MMPE | military module power equipment |
MMS | mineral management service |
M&O | management and operating |
MOA | memorandum of agreement |
MOC | memorandum of cooperation |
MOCVD | metal organic chemical vapor deposition |
MON | motor octane number |
MOU | memorandum of understanding |
MOVPE | metal organic vapor phase epitaxy |
MoWiTT | Mobile Window Thermal Test |
MPA | multi-pyranometer array |
MPO | memorandum purchase order |
MPP | model power plant |
MPPT | maximum power point tracking |
MRF | materials recovery facilities |
MRI | Midwest Research Institute |
MRS | Materials Research Society |
MRT | mean radiant temperature |
MS | mass spectrometer |
MSA | Microscopy Society of America |
MSDS | material safety data sheet |
MSG | Marine Sciences Group (University of California at Berkeley) |
MSI | Minority-serving institution |
MSO | molten salt oxidation |
MSR | Million Solar Roofs |
MSSTF | Mid-Temperature Solar System Test Facility (Sandia National Laboratories) |
MST | Mountain Standard Time |
MSW | municipal solid waste |
MSWM | Municipal Solid Waste Management (used with Program) |
MT | market transformation |
MTBE | methyl tertiary butyl ether |
MTBF | mean time between failure |
MTCI | Manufacturing and Technology Conversion International, Inc. |
MTCRF | Mid-Temperature Collector Research Facility (SERI) |
MTI | Mechanical Technology, Inc. |
MTG | methanol-to-gasoline |
MTS | material testing system |
MUA | methylumbelliferal acetate |
MUPC | Macani-Uwila Power Corp. |
MURA | Minority University Research Associates |
MVA | multivariate analysis |
MW | megawatt |
MWh | megawatt-hour |
MWC | municipal waste combustors |
MYPP | Multi-Year Program Plan |
MYRP | Multi-Year Research Plan |
MYTP | Multi-Year Technical Plan |
NAA | neutron activation analysis |
NAAQS | National Ambient Air Quality Standards |
NABCEP | North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners |
NAECA | National Appliance Energy Conservation Act |
NAEP | National Association of Environmental Professionals |
NAESCO | National Association of Energy Service Companies |
NAFTA | North American Free Trade Agreement |
NAFUF | National Alcohol Fuels Users Facility |
NAHB | National Association of Home Builders |
NAHB/RF | National Association of Home Builders/Research Foundation |
NARSTO | North American Research Strategy for Tropospheric Ozone |
NARUC | National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners |
NAS | National Academy of Sciences Naval Air Station |
NASA | National Aeronautics and Space Administration |
NASCSP | National Association of State and Community Service Programs |
NASEO | National Association of State Energy Officials |
NASUCA | National Association of State Utility Consumer Advocates |
NAUCA | National Association of Utility Consumer Advocates |
NBB | National Biodiesel Board |
NBC | National Bioenergy Center |
NBS | New Brunswick Scientific |
NC | noncondensible |
NCAR | National Center for Atmospheric Research |
NCASI | National Council for Air and Stream Improvement |
NCAT | National Center for Appropriate Technology |
NCC | National Climatic Data Center |
NCCTI | National Climate Change Technology Initiative |
NCDC | National Climatic Data Center |
NCEL | Naval Civil Energy Laboratory |
NCMA | National Concrete Masonry Association |
NCPV | National Center for Photovoltaics |
NCSA | National Center for Supercomputing Applications |
nc-Si | nanocrystalline silicon |
NCSL | National Conference of State Legislatures |
NCSU | North Carolina State University |
NCTP | National Critical Technologies Panel |
NDA | nondisclosure agreement |
NDE | nondestructive experiments |
NDIR | nondispersive infrared |
NDP | NREL Development Plan |
NDT | nondestructive testing |
NEC | National Electric Code |
NECPA | National Energy Conservation Policy Act |
NEDO | New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization |
NEED | National Energy Education Development Project |
NEES | New England Electric System |
NEF | National Ethanol Facility |
NEG | Nippon Electric Glass |
NEL | National Engineering Laboratory (in Europe) |
NELH | Natural Energy Laboratory of Hawaii |
NEPA | National Environmental Policy Act |
NEMA | National Electrical Manufacturers Association |
NEMI | National Energy Management Institute |
NEMS | National Energy Modeling System |
NEP | National Energy Policy |
NERC | North American Electric Reliability Council |
NES | National Energy Strategy |
NESEA | Northeast Solar Energy Association |
NETL | National Energy Technology Laboratory |
NF | nanofiltration |
NFEC | Naval Facilities Engineering Command |
NFPA | National Fire Protection Association |
NFRC | National Fenestration Rating Council |
NGL | natural gas liquid |
NGO | nongovernment organizations |
NGV | natural gas vehicle |
NHA | National Hydrogen Association |
NIEP | National Independent Energy Producers |
NICE3 | National Industrial Competitiveness through Energy, Environment, and Economics |
NIH | National Institutes of Health |
NIP | normal incidence pyrheliometer |
NIPER | National Institute for Petroleum and Energy Research |
NIR | near infrared |
NIRS | near infrared spectroscopy |
NIS | Newly Independent States |
NIST | National Institute of Standards and Technology |
NLC | National League of Cities |
NMERI | New Mexico Energy Research and Development Institute |
NMHC | nonmethane hydrocarbon |
NMI | National Maglev Initiative |
NMOC | nonmethane organic carbon |
NMOG | nonmethane organic gas |
NMR | nuclear magnetic resonance |
NMSER | New Mexico Solar Energy Research |
NMSU | New Mexico State University |
NNAC | NREL National Advisory Council |
NOAA | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration |
NOCT | nominal operating cell temperature |
NOI | Notice of Inquiry |
NOPI | Notice of Program Interest |
NOPR | Notice of Proposed Rulemaking |
NORDA | Naval Oceanographic Research and Development Activity |
NOx | oxides of nitrogen |
NPDES | National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System |
NPPD | Nebraska Public Power District |
NPPE | net power-producing experiment |
NPPEA | net-power-producing experimental apparatus |
NPR | Naval Petroleum Reserve |
NPS | National Park Service |
NPT | neomycin phototransferase |
NRC | National Research Council |
NRCan | Natural Resources Canada |
NRCC | Northeast Regional Climate Center |
NRDC | National Resources Defense Council |
NRECA | National Rural Electric Cooperative Association |
NREL | National Renewable Energy Laboratory |
NRL | U.S. Naval Research Laboratory |
NSDN | National Solar Data Network |
NSF | NSF International (do not spell out NSF) |
NSOM | near-field scanning optical microscope |
NSPS | new source performance standards |
NSRDB | National Solar Radiation Database |
NSTC | National Science and Technology Council |
NSTTF | National Solar Thermal Test Facility (at Sandia National Laboratories) |
NTD | neutron transmutation dopant |
NTI | National Technology Initiative |
NTIS | National Technical Information Service |
NTSU | North Texas State University |
NTU | number of transfer units |
NTUA | Navajo Tribal Utility Authority |
NWGP | New World Grid Power |
NWS | National Weather Service |
NVH | noise, vibration, and harshness |
NUG | nonutility generator |
NWEA | National Wood Energy Association |
NWEC | National Wind Energy Center |
NWTC | National Wind Technology Center |
NYSERDA | New York State Energy Research and Development Authority |
O&M | operations and maintenance |
OATS | outdoor accelerated test system |
OBP | U.S. Department of Energy Biomass Program |
OBCS | Office of Buildings and Community Systems (DOE) |
OBIC | optical beam induced current |
OC | open cycle |
OCLI | Optical Coating Laboratory Inc. |
OCVD | open-circuit voltage decay (technique) |
OD | optical density |
ODC | ordered defect compound other direct cost |
OECM | Office of Engineering and Construction Management |
OEDER | Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability |
OEM | Office of Environmental Restoration and Waste Management (DOE) |
OEM | original equipment manufacturer |
OER | Office of Energy Research |
OESD | Office of Energy Storage and Distribution |
OET | Ocean Energy Technology |
OFCCP | Office of Federal Contract Compliance |
OFD | Office of Fuels Development |
OIH | organic-inorganic hybrid |
OIP | Office of Industrial Programs |
OMA | optical multichannel analyzer |
OMAE | Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering |
OMB | Office of Management and Budget |
OMCVD | organometallic chemical vapor deposition |
OMR | Office of Resource Management |
OMVPE | organometallic vapor phase epitaxy |
OP | optical processing |
OPA | Office of Planning and Assessment |
OPEC | Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries |
OPV | organic photovoltaics |
ORC | organic rankine cycle |
ORD | Office of Research and Development |
ORNL | Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
ORR | operational readiness review |
OSB | oriented strand board |
OSEC | Office of Solar Energy Conversion |
OSHA | Occupational Safety and Health Administration |
OSLAP | State and Local Assistance Programs Division |
OSTI | Office of Scientific and Technical Information |
OSTP | offshore test platform |
OSU | Oregon State University |
OSW | Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response |
OTA | Office of Technical Assistance |
OTEC | ocean thermal energy conversion |
OTF | Outdoor Test Facility |
OTFA | Office of Technical and Financial Assistance |
OTR | oxygen transfer rate |
OTT | Office of Transportation Technologies |
OUT | Office of Utility Technologies |
OVC | ordered vacancy compound |
PA | polyamine |
PAAAS | polyacrylic acid ammonium salt |
PAACM | polyacrylic acid-carboxyl modified |
PAD | pulsed amperometric detection |
PADD | Petroleum Administration for Defense Districts |
PAE | planning, analysis, and evaluation |
PAFC | phosphoric acid fuel cell |
PAH | polyaromatic hydrocarbons |
PAMS | Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Station |
PAN | peroxyacetyl nitrate polyacrylonitrile |
PAR | photosynthetically active radiation project (or proposal) authorization request |
PASS | pulse analysis spectroradiometer system |
PBA | Office of Planning, Budget and Analysis |
PBN | pyrolytic boron nitride |
PBR | performance-based ratemaking |
PC | polycarbonate |
PCA | protocatechuic acid |
PCB | polychlorinated biphenyl |
PCC | Pittsburgh Corning Corp. |
PCD | photoconductive decay |
PCE | perchloroethylene |
PCL | polymer-concrete lined (or lining) |
PCM | phase-change material pulse-code modulated |
PCO | photocatalytic oxidation |
PCPB | photochemical/photobiology |
PCR | polymerase chain reaction |
PC/TM | Performance Criteria and Test Methods |
PCU | power conditioning unit |
PDC | pyruvate decarboxylase |
portable document format | |
PDFL | Photovoltaic Device Fabrication Laboratory |
PDH | pyruvate dehydrogenase |
PDIL | Process Development and Integration Laboratory |
PDP | pressure dew point |
PDS | photovoltage deflection spectroscopy |
PDTS | parabolic dish test site |
PDU | Process Development Unit |
PEAT | (NREL's) Policy and Environmental Analysis Team |
PEC | Petroleum Energy Council |
PE/CVD | plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition |
PECVT | plasma-enhanced chemical vapor transport |
PED | pulsed electron-beam deposition |
PEF | processed engineered fuels |
PEG | Program for Entrepreneurial Growth (now called the Entrepreneurial Growth Program) |
PEI | polyethylenimine |
PEL | permissible exposure limit |
PEM | proton exchange membrane |
PEP | photovoltaic energy project |
PERT | performance and energy ratings testbed |
PET | polyethylene terephthalate |
PETC | Pittsburgh Energy Technology Center |
PFA | prefeasibility analysis |
PFBC | pressurized fluid bed combustion |
PFD | process flow diagram |
PFDR | point-focusing distributed receiver |
PFDRT | point-focusing distributed receiver task |
PFR | plug-flow reactor |
PGE | Portland General Electric |
PGI | Power Generating, Inc. (company name; acronym preferred) |
PG&E | Pacific Gas and Electric Co. |
PGMase | phosphoglucomutase |
PHA | poly(hexamethylene) adipamide |
PHEV | plug-in hybrid electric vehicle |
PHIL | power-hardware-in-the-loop |
PI | performance indicator |
PIC | products of incomplete combustion |
PICHTR | Pacific International Center for High Technology Research |
P&ID | piping and instrumentation design |
PIER | Public Interest Energy Research |
PIM | project integration meeting |
PIMS | Process Industry Modeling System |
PIN | particulate-induced noise |
PING | pilot injection natural gas |
PIR | products of incomplete reaction |
PIRL | polyimide release layer |
PIT | powder in tube |
PKI | Power Kinetics Inc. |
PL | photoluminescence |
PLD | polymeric liquid desiccants pulsed laser deposition |
PLS | partial least squares |
PMA | Power Marketing Administration (DOE) |
PMASS | poly(methacrylic acid sodium salt) |
PMMA | polymethylmethacrylate acrylics |
PMR | proton magnetic resonance |
PMRC | Pyrolysis Materials Research Consortium |
PMT | photomultiplier tube |
P/N | phenol/neutral |
p/n fraction | phenolics and neutrals fraction |
PNA | polynuclear aromatics |
PNGV | Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles |
PNM | Public Service Company of New Mexico |
PNNL | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory |
PO | performance objective |
POB | project oversight board |
POP | period of performance |
POTW | publicly owned treatment works |
POX | partial oxidation reactor |
PP | pentose phosphate polypropylene |
PPA | power purchase agreement |
PPBS | Planning, Programming, and Budgeting System |
PPG | PPG Industries (do not spell out PPG) |
ppmv | parts per million by volume |
PPR | polypropylene random copolymer |
PPS | polyphenylene sulfide |
PPU | power processing unit |
PR | public relations |
P.R. China | People's Republic of China |
PRDA | program research and development announcement |
PRINTS | Publication Request and Inventory Tracking System |
PS I | Photosystem I |
PS II | Photosystem II |
PSB | photosynthetic bacteria |
PSC | phosphoric acid swollen cellulose |
PSCo | Public Service Company of Colorado |
PSI | Physical Sciences Inc. |
PSM | power sensor module |
PSO | Program Secretariat Office |
PSSA | polystyrene sulfonic acid |
PSSAKS | polystyrene sulfonic acid potassium salt |
PSSALS | polystyrene sulfonic acid lithium salt |
PSSA-L | polystyrene sulfonic acid lithium salt |
PSSASS | polystyrene sulfonic acid sodium salt |
PSSA-Na | polystyrene sulfonic acid sodium salt |
PT | potential transformer |
PTC | power transfer control |
PTI | Power Technology, Inc. |
PTL | Photovoltaic Testing Lab |
PTO | power take-off |
PTS | phosphotransferase system |
PU | polyurethane |
PUC | public utility commission |
PUHCA | Public Utilities Holding Company Act of 1935 |
PURPA | Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act |
PV | photovoltaic(s) |
PV4U | PV for Utilities |
PVAP | pervaporation apparatus |
PVB | polyvinyl butyral |
PVC | polyvinyl chloride |
PVCCC | PV Compact Coordinating Council |
PV:COMPACT | Photovoltaic Collaborative Market Project to Accelerate Commercial Technology |
PVD | physical vapor deposition |
PVDF | polyvinylidene fluoride |
PV GAP | Photovoltaic Global Approval Program |
PVMaT | Photovoltaic Manufacturing Technology |
PVME | polyvinylmethylether |
PVMR&D | PV Manufacturing R&D |
PVP | polyvinylpyrilidone |
PVPS | photovoltaic power system |
PVSA | polyvinyl sulfonic acid (sodium salt) |
PVSAC | Photovoltaic Systems Assistance Center |
PVSAM | PV Systems Analysis Model |
PVSC | Photovoltaic Specialists’ Conference |
PVSEC | International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference |
PVSOL | PV System Optimization Laboratory |
PVUSA | Photovoltaics for Utility-Scale Applications |
PWEC | prototype wave energy converter |
PWECS | pneumatic wave energy conversion system |
PWM | pulse-width modulated |
PY | prior year |
Py-MBMS | pyrolysis-molecular beam mass spectrometry |
QAP | quality assurance plan |
QAS | quality assurance and standards |
QC/QA | quality control and quality assurance |
QCM | quartz crystal microbalance |
QD | quantum dot |
QDLED | quantum dot light-emitting diode |
QE | quantum efficiency |
QF | qualifying facility |
QCM | quartz crystal microbalance |
QSSPC | quasi-steady-state photoconductance |
QTS | qualification test system |
QVM | qualified vehicle modifier |
QVV | not an acronym; do not spell out |
RABiTS | rolling-assisted biaxially-textured substrates (coated conductor) |
RAD | research and advanced development |
RAM | random access memory |
RAPAD | Research Association for Petroleum Alternatives Development |
RBEP | Regional Biomass Energy Program |
RBS | reverse bias soaking |
RCCP | Residential and Commercial Conservation Program |
RCRA | Resource Conservation and Recovery Act |
RCS | Residential Conservation Service Program |
RCUH | Research Center of the University of Hawaii |
RCPCD | resonance-coupled photoconductive decay |
R&D | research and development |
RD&D | research, development, and demonstration |
R&M | reliability and maintainability |
RDBMS | Relational database management system |
RDF | refuse-derived fuel |
REA | Renewable Energy Alliance |
REAP | Renewable Energy Academic Partnership |
REC | renewable energy certificate |
Recovery Act | American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 |
REE | rapeseed ethyl ester |
REEPS | Residential End-Use Energy Policy System |
REETI | Renewable and Energy Technology Training Institute |
REFAD | Renewable Energy for African Development |
REI | Renewable Energy Institute |
REIS | Renewable Energy Information Service |
REP | rotor enhancement program |
REASIA | Renewable Energy Asia |
RES | regional experiment station |
RET | renewable electric technologies |
RETA | renewable energy technology analysis |
RETF | Renewable Energy Trust Fund |
RETSIE | Renewable Energy Technologies Symposium and International Exposition |
REV | replacement equipment value |
RF | radio frequency |
RFCF | Renewable Fuels and Chemicals Facility |
RFCP | Renewable Fuels Central Plant |
RFETS | Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site |
RFG | reformulated gasoline |
RFHP | renewable fuel heat plant |
RFI | request for information |
RFMS | radio frequency magnetron sputtering |
RFP | reinforced fiber plastic |
RFPCD | radio frequency photo-conductive decay |
RFQ | request for qualifications |
RFS | radiation and free convection shield |
RFVSF | Renewable Fuels & Vehicles Systems Facility |
RGA | residual gas analyzer |
RH | relative humidity |
RHEED | reflection high-energy electron diffraction |
RICP | Renewable Institutional Conservation Program |
RIMS | reference irradiance and meteorological system |
RITH | roof-integrated thermosiphon |
RMG | refined metallurgical grade |
RMI | Rocky Mountain Institute |
RMOTC | Rocky Mountain Oilfield Testing Center |
RMSE | root mean square error |
RMT | research management team |
RNA | ribonucleic acid |
RO | reverse osmosis |
ROG | reactive organic gas |
ROI | record of invention |
RON | research octane number |
ROS | renewable oxygenate standard |
ROWPU | reverse osmosis water purification unit |
RPI | Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute |
RPS | renewable portfolio standard |
RPV | replacement plant value |
RReDC | Renewable Resource Data Center |
RRSD | rough, rotten, and salvable dead (wood) |
RSEP | Resource Supply Expansion Program |
RSEC | Regional Solar Energy Center |
RSF | Research Support Facility |
RSI | renewable systems integration |
RSM | reciprocal space map |
RSO | regional support office |
RT | room temperature |
RTA | rapid thermal annealing |
RTD | regional transportation district |
RTEC | regenerative thermo-electrochemical converter |
RTI | RTI International |
RTO | regional transmission operator |
RTP | rapid thermal processing |
RTR | ribbon-to-ribbon |
RTSE | real-time spectroscopic ellipsometry |
RUS | Rural Utilities Service |
RVP | Reid vapor pressure |
SA | Saudi Arabia |
SAB | Science Advisory Board |
SAC | Solar America Cities |
SAE | Society of Automotive Engineers |
SAIC | Science Applications International Corp. |
SAM | scanning auger microprobe |
SAMIS | Solar Array Manufacturing Industry Simulation |
SAN | Department of Energy, San Francisco Operations Office |
SANCST | Saudi Arabian National Center for Science and Technology |
SAPRC90 | Strategic Air Pollution Research Center 1990 |
SAR | safety analysis review |
SAS | Solar America Showcases |
SASOL | SASOL Limited (do not spell out SASOL) |
SAT | site acceptance testing |
SAX | small-angle x-ray |
SBC | systems benefit charge |
SBEP | Sustainable Biomass Program |
SBIC | Sustainable Buildings Industry Council |
SBIR | Small Business Innovation Research |
SBP | sludge bed pool |
SBR | sulfate-reducing bacteria |
SBTF | Single Blow Test Facility |
SCADA | supervisory control and data acquisition |
SCAQMD | South Coast Air Quality Management District |
SCC21 | IEEE Standards Coordinating Committee 21 |
SCCM | standard cc per minute |
SCE | Southern California Edison |
SC3EP | Superconductivity Coordinating Committee for Electric Power |
SCFD | standard cubic feet per day |
SCFE | super-critical fluid extraction |
SCFH | standard cubic feet per hour |
SCFM | standard cubic feet per minute |
SCG | Southern California Gas |
SCI | San Clemente Island |
SCIM | silicon on ceramic by inverted meniscus (also called SOC) |
SCL | superconducting current limiter |
SCLC | space-charge limited current |
SCO | system control object |
SCP | single cell protein |
SCR | Silicon controlled rectifier |
SCRTD | Southern California Rapid Transit District |
SCSE | small community solar thermal power equipment |
SDA | systems-driven approach |
SDG&E | San Diego Gas and Electric |
SDHW | solar domestic hot water |
SDMS | scanning defect mapping system |
SDP | site development plan |
SDS | sodium dodecyl sulfate |
SDSE | sulfur dioxide steam explosion |
SDSU | South Dakota State University |
SDWA | Safe Drinking Water Act |
SE | specific energy |
SEAB | Secretary of Energy Advisory Board |
SEACC | Systems Engineering Analysis Computer Code |
SEC | size exclusion chromatography Saudi Electric Company |
SED | selective electro-dissolution |
SEER | seasonal energy-efficiency ratio |
SEGIS | Solar Energy Grid Integration Systems |
SEGS | solar electric generating systems |
SEI | Solar Energy International |
SEIA | Solar Energy Industries Association |
SEIDB | solar energy information data bank |
SEM | scanning electron microscopy |
SEMRTS | Solar Energy Meteorological Research and Training Sites |
SEN | Secretary of Energy Notice |
SEO | state energy office |
SEOR | solar enhanced oil recovery |
SEP | Source Evaluation Panel |
SEPA | Solar Electric Power Alliance |
SER | systems effectiveness research |
SERAPH | solar energy research and applications in process heat |
SERD | Solar Electric Research Division |
SERDP | Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program |
SERES | Southeast Regional Experiment Station |
SEREF | Solar Energy Research and Education Foundation |
SERF | Solar Energy Research Facility |
SERI | Solar Energy Research Institute |
SERP | Super-Efficient Refrigeration Program |
SES | Stirling Energy Systems |
SET | squeezable electron tunneling |
SETP | Solar Energy Technologies Program |
SFB | solar federal building |
SFBP | Solar Federal Buildings Program |
SFDI | solar facilities design integrator |
SFES | Southern Forestry Experiment Station |
SFIX | simultaneous fermentation and isomerization of xylose |
SFRD | Solar Fuels Research Division |
SG | semiconductor grade |
SGI | Silicon Graphics Interface |
SGP | Southern Great Plains (site located at Lamont, Oklahoma) |
SHC | solar heating and cooling |
SHED | simplified home energy design |
SHF | separate hydrolysis and fermentation |
SHGC | solar heat gain coefficient |
SHGR | Solar Hydrogen Generation Research |
SHIP | Solar Heat Industrial Process |
SHJ | silicon heterojunction |
SHOT | Scanning Hartmann Optical Test |
SHR | sensible heat ratio |
SHRD | Solar Heat Research Division |
SHW | solar hot water |
SIAB | Science and Industry Advisory Board |
SIC | Standard Industrial Classification |
SIF | stress intensity factor |
SILSO | trade name for Wacker cast silicon; do not spell out |
SIMS | secondary ion mass spectrometry |
SIMTA | Solar Industrial Mesa Test Area |
SIP | state implementation plan |
SITL | Systems Interconnection Test Laboratory |
SKI | Solar Kinetics Inc. |
SKPM | scanning Kelvin probe microscopy |
SL | superlattice |
SLAC | Stanford Linear Accelerator Center |
SLC | Strategic Laboratory Council |
SLP | service life prediction |
SLR | standard labor rate |
SMART | Systems and Modeling for Accelerated Research in Transportation |
SMD | sauter mean diameter |
SMER | systems and materials effectiveness research |
SMES | superconducting magnetic energy storage |
SMIF | standard mechanical interface |
SMS | strategic management system |
SMSA | standard metropolitan statistical area |
SMUD | Sacramento Municipal Utility District |
SNARL | Sierra Nevada Aquatic Research Laboratory |
SNET | Southern New England Telephone Co. |
SNI | San Nicholas Island |
SNL | Sandia National Laboratories |
SO | Support Office |
SoCAB | South Coast Air Basin |
SOC | silicon or ceramic |
SOFC | solid oxide fuel cell |
SOLAR/CS | Division of Solar Applications under the Office of the Assistant |
SolarDS | Solar Deployment Systems (model) |
Solar PACES | Solar Power and Chemical Energy Systems |
SOLMET | Solar-Meteorological |
SOMES | standardized outdoor module evaluation system |
SOP | safe operating procedure |
SOW | statement of work |
SPC | solid-phase crystallized |
SPDT | single-pole, double-throw (relay) |
SPH | solar process heat |
SPHER | small particle heat-exchanger receiver |
SPI | Superconductivity Partnership Initiative |
SPIE | International Society for Optical Engineering |
SPIP | Solid Propulsion Integrity Program |
SPSA | small power systems applications |
SPV | surface photovoltage |
SQUID | superconducting quantum interference device |
SR | spectral response |
SRCC | Solar Rating and Certification Corp. |
SRD | straight-run diesel |
SRE | Subsystems Research Experiment (JPL) |
SRF | Solar Radiation Facility |
SRI | SRI International |
SRIC | short rotation intensive crop |
SRP | Salt River Project |
SRRAP | Solar Radiation Resource Assessment Project |
SRRL | Solar Radiation Research Laboratory |
SR&T | supporting research and testing |
SRV | surface recombination velocity |
SRWC | short-rotation woody crop |
SSA | source selection authority |
SSBS | spectrally selective beam splitter |
SSE | Surface Meteorology and Solar Energy (a NASA project) |
SSF | simultaneous saccharification and fermentation |
SSI | Shell Solar Industries |
SSJ | sole source justification |
SSL | spent sulfite liquor |
SSMS | spark source mass spectroscopy |
SSO | Safety and Security Office |
SS PCM | solid-state phase-change material |
SSTA | subscale test article |
SSTM | spectroscopic scanning tunneling microscope |
S&T | science and technology |
STC | standard test conditions |
STCH | solar thermochemical hydrogen |
S&TF | Science & Technology Facility |
STAIR | Services/Transportation/Agriculture/Industry/Residential |
STC | Stirling Technology Corp. |
STDAC | solar thermal design assistance center |
STEM | scanning transmission electron microscope |
STEP | Solar Total Energy Project |
STEPS | Superconductivity Technology for Electric Power Systems |
STES | solar total energy systems |
STI | Science and Technology Initiative |
STIG | steam-injected gas turbine |
STIP | Solar Technical Information Program |
STM | scanning tunneling microscopy |
STMPO | Solar Ten-Megawatt Project Office (Department of Energy) |
STPP | Surface Transportation Policy Project |
STTF | Solar Thermal Test Facility |
STTFUA | Solar Thermal Test Facilities Users’ Association |
SULEV | super-ultra-low-emission vehicle |
SUNY | State University of New York |
SURFRAD | Surface Radiation Budget Network |
SVD | singular value decomposition |
SWANA | Solid Waste Management Association of North America |
SWAP | Solar Weatherization Assistance Program |
SWC | surge withstand capability |
SWCC | Saline Water Conservation Corporation |
SWH | solar water heating |
SWL | surface-wave lamp |
SWOP | solid waste options |
SWRES | Southwest Regional Experiment Station |
SwRI | Southwest Research Institute |
SWTDI | Southwest Technology Development Institute |
SWY | standard work year |
TA | technical assistance |
TAC | Technical Advisory Committee |
TAEE | tertiary-amyl ethyl ether |
TAG | technical advisory group |
TAHP | thermally activated heat pump |
TAME | tertiary-amyl methyl ether |
TAP | thermosyphon air panels |
TAPPI | Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry |
TBA | tertiary butyl alcohol |
TBC | test-bed concentrator (JPL) |
TBD | to be determined |
TBFI | terrestrial biomass feedstock interface |
TC | Technical Committee |
TCA | thermal cycle annealing |
TCAPP | Technology Cooperation Agreement Pilot Project |
TCC | transparent conductive coating |
TCDD | tetrachlorodibenzodioxin |
TCF | Technology Commercialization Fund |
TCE | trichloroethylene |
TCO | Technical Communications Office |
TCPDU | Thermochemical Process Development Unit |
TCSC | thyristor-controlled series capacitor |
TCUF | Thermochemical Users Facility |
T&D | transmission and distribution |
TDA | Technology Development Associates |
TDC | top dead center |
TDI | toluene-diisocyanate |
TDS | total dissolved solids |
TDMS | thermal-desorption mass spectrometry |
TEA | technical and economic assessment |
TE-21 | Transportation Equity Act of the 21st Century |
TEAM | Transformational Energy Action Management Initiative |
TEAM-UP | Technology Experience to Accelerate Markets in Utility Photovoltaics |
TEC | Technology Extension Center |
TEI | Technology Evaluation and Integration |
TEM | technical exchange meeting |
TEO | Territorial Energy Office |
TEP | Technical Evaluation and Planning |
TES | thermal energy storage |
TESS | trajectory and evaporation of spray systems |
TEST | thermal energy storage and transport |
TFP | thick-film paste |
TGA | thermogravimetric analysis |
THA | total hydrocarbon analyzer |
THC | total hydrocarbon |
TIC | Technical Information Center |
TIFR | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research |
TIO | technology improvement opportunity |
TIP | Technical Information Program |
TISES | Texas Instruments Solar Energy System |
THAMA | U.S. Army Toxic and Hazardous Materials Agency |
THF | tetrahydrofuran |
TLC | thin-layer chromatography |
TLEV | transitional low-emission vehicle |
TMA | thermomechanical analysis |
TMBMS | transportable molecular beam mass spectrometer |
TMF | Technology Maturation Fund |
TMT | tetramethyltin |
TMY | typical meteorological year |
TO | transverse optical |
TOA | task ordering agreement |
TOC | total organic carbon |
TOF | time of flight |
TOP | theoretical overlay photographic |
TOPO | trioctylphosphine oxide |
TOU | time of use |
TPD | temperature-programmed desorption |
TPI | technical program integrator |
TPL | technology performance level |
TPP | Technology Pathway Partnership |
TPV | thermophotovoltaic |
TQM | total quality management |
TQ&Q | technical qualitative and quantitative (used with evaluation) |
TQQR | technical quantitative and qualitative review |
TR | tandem reactor |
TRAC | Teacher Research Associates |
TRB | Transportation Research Board |
TRC | Technical Review Committee |
TRES | thermally regenerative electrochemical system |
TRL | technology readiness level |
TRNSYS | TRaNsient SYstem Simulation Program |
TRP | Technology Reinvestment Program |
TRPL | time-resolved photoluminescence |
TRT | technical review team |
TSARC | Thermal Storage Applications Research Center |
TSB | tryptic soy broth |
TSC | Technical Steering Committee |
TSCAP | thermally stimulated capacitance |
TSRF | Translational Science Research Facility |
TTCAP | Tiger Team Corrective Action Plan |
TTCG | Technology Transfer Coordinating Group |
TTF | Thermal Test Facility |
TTO | Technology Transfer Office |
TTPG | Technology Transfer Project Group (DOE) |
TVA | Tennessee Valley Authority |
TW | terrawatt |
TWES | Tornado Wind Energy System |
TWP | Tropical Western Pacific |
TU | toxicity unit |
TVMI | Technology Validation and Market Introduction |
TVP | turbine verification program |
TYSP | 10-year site plan |
UBECA | Utility Biomass Energy Commercialization Association |
UBS | ultraviolet backscattering |
UCB | University of California, Berkeley |
UCETF | Urban Consortium Energy Task Force |
UCLA | University of California, Los Angeles |
UCR | University of California, Riverside |
UDDS | urban dynamometer driving schedule |
UDRI | University of Dayton Research Institute |
UEGO | universal exhaust gas oxygen |
UESC | Utility Energy Services Contracting |
UF | ultrafiltration |
UGPase | UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase |
UH | University of Hawaii |
UHF | ultrahigh frequency |
UHV | ultrahigh vacuum |
UL | Underwriters Laboratories |
ULEV | ultra-low-emission vehicle |
ULRF | University of Louisville Research Foundation |
UMTA | Urban Mass Transit Authority (now the Federal Transit Authority) |
UN | United Nations |
UNC | University of North Carolina |
UNCF | United Negro College Fund |
UNDESA | United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs |
UNDP | United Nations Development Program |
UNEP | United Nations Environmental Program |
UNESCO | United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization |
UNL | University of Nebraska at Lincoln |
UNLV | University of Nevada Las Vegas |
UNM/ME | University of New Mexico Mechanical Engineering Department |
U of L | University of Louisville |
UPC | Utility Power Control |
UPG | Utility Power Group |
UPS | ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy |
UPVG | Utility PhotoVoltaic Group |
URRA | Utility Renewable Resources Association |
US | utility scale |
USABC | United States Advanced Battery Consortium |
USAID | United States Agency for International Development |
USCAR | U.S. Council for Automotive Research |
USDA | United States Department of Agriculture |
US/EC | United States/European Communities |
USGBC | U.S. Green Building Council |
USGS | U.S. Geological Survey |
USH2O | U.S. Solar Hot Water Initiative |
USSC | United Solar Systems Corp. |
USW | U.S. Windpower |
UT | universal time |
UTEP | University of Texas at El Paso |
UTRC | United Technologies Research Center |
UTS | Utility Tracking System (database) |
UURI | University of Utah Research Institute |
UV | ultraviolet |
UWIG | Utility Wind Interest Group |
U*WRAP | Utility Wind Resource Assessment Program |
V&V | verification and validation |
VA | U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs |
VAC | volt alternating current |
VAR | volt ampere reactive |
VASE | variable-angle spectroscopic ellipsometry |
VAV | variable air volume |
VAWT | vertical-axis wind turbine |
VB | valence band |
VBM | valence band maximum |
VCE | vacuum chemical epitaxy |
VCI | variable conductance insulation |
VE | value engineering |
VET | value-engineered turbine |
VFA | volatile fatty acid |
VFD | variable-frequency drive |
VFV | variable-fuel vehicle |
VHF | very high frequency |
VITA | Volunteers in Technical Assistance |
VMT | vehicle miles traveled |
VOC | volatile organic compounds |
VoIP | voice-over Internet protocol |
VPA | vertical plane array |
VPE | vapor-phase epitaxy |
VSCAP | voltage stimulated capacitance |
VSCF | variable speed, constant frequency |
VSGS | variable speed generation system |
VSHOT | Video Scanning Hartmann Optical Test |
VSM | vibrating sample magnetometers |
VT | visible transmittance |
VTD | vapor transport deposition |
VTT | a technical research company in Finland; do not spell out |
VVM | vessel volumes per minute |
WAM | Weatherization Audit for Mobile Homes (software) |
WAP | Weatherization Assistance Program |
WAPA | Western Area Power Administration |
WCEF | Wind Conference and Education Facility |
WCPEC | World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion |
WDS | wavelength dispersive mode |
WEATS | Wind Energy Applications Training Seminar |
WEBS | Wind Energy Battery System |
WEC | wave energy converter |
WECS | wind energy conversion system |
WEEC | World Energy Engineering Conference |
WERC | Wind Energy Research Center |
WES | wind energy system |
WETAC | Wind Energy Technology Assistance Center |
WETC | Wind Energy Test Center |
WFO | work for others |
WGA | Western Governors’ Association |
WHSV | weight-hourly space velocity |
WIFE | Women Involved in Farm Economics |
WIP-I | Weatherization and Intergovernmental Program-International |
WIP | Office of Weatherization and Intergovernmental Programs |
WISEM | Women in Science, Engineering, and Mathematics |
WLVEC | water low velocity energy converter |
WMO | World Meteorological Organization |
WOM | weatherometer |
WOT | wide-open throttle |
WPA | work package authorization |
WPP | work package proposal |
WPRS | Water and Power Resources Service (Bureau of Reclamation, DOI) |
WRDC | World Radiation Data Center |
WREC | World Renewable Energy Congress |
WRR | World Radiometric Reference |
WSHP | water source heat pump |
WSMF | Wind Staging and Maintenance Facility |
WSRIC | Waste Stream and Residue Identification and Characterization Report |
WSSF | White Sands Solar Furnace |
WTAP | Wind Technology Application Projects |
WTC | Wind Turbine Co. |
WTE | waste to energy |
WVTR | water vapor transport rate |
WYEC | Weather Year for Energy Calculations |
XDH | xylitol dehydrogenase |
XI | xylose isomerase (plasmid) |
XPS | X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy |
XR | xylose reductase |
XRD | X-ray diffraction |
YAG | yttrium aluminum garnet |
YBCO | YBa2Cu3O7 (yttrium barium copper oxide) |
YDR | yield, durability, and reliability |
YE | yeast extract |
YNB | yeast nitrogen base |
ZEB | zero-energy building |
ZEH | zero-energy homes |
ZEV | zero-emission vehicles |
ZMR | zone-melt-recrystallization |