Specifications of the High-Flux Solar Furnace
We list specific details of various components and functions of NREL's High-Flux Solar Furnace under the following 10 areas:
- Focal point nominally located 152.4 cm (60 in) above floor
- When using XYZ table top: focal point must be 35 cm (14 in) max above table
- With turning mirror: focal point 106.7 cm (41.6 in) above floor
- Without secondary:
- Total power (@1,000 W/m2): 10 kW
- 94% energy inside 10 cm (4 in) circle
- Peak concentration: 2,500 suns
- With reflective secondary: average concentration > 20,000 suns
- With refractive secondary: average concentration > 50,000 suns
- Total area: 31.8 m2 (342 f`t2)
- 20 facets 71.1 × 111.8 cm (56 × 44 in)
- Back-silvered low-iron 3-mm glass
- Slope error: 0.5 mrad
- mrad specularity
- Solar-weighted reflectivity: 95%
Primary Concentrator
- 25 hexagonal facets, 12.5 m2 (135 ft2) overall
- 762 mm (30 in) across flats (0.5 m2 or 5.38 ft2)
- Spherical mirrors ground to 14.6 m (47.8 ft) radius of curvature
- Front-surface ultraviolet-enhanced aluminum
- Slope error: 0.2 mrad
- mrad specularity
- Solar-weighted reflectivity: 84%
- Delivered power to target: 10 kW @ 1,000 W/m2 direct normal irradiance
- Target located 7.01 m (23.0 ft) from center facet
- f/D = 1.85 (D = diameter of circle enclosing all facets)
- 30° off axis
- Convergence angle of beam: about 30°
- 6.9° below horizontal
Secondary Concentrators
- Reflective
- Non-imaging compound parabolic
- Acceptance angle: 14 degrees
- Entrance diameter: 6 cm
- Exit diameter: 14.7 mm
- Truncated to 80% of full height
- Power at exit: 3.5 kW
- Average flux concentration: 21,000
- Reflective surface is protected silver
- CPV Homogenizer
- Truncated pyramid design
- Entrance aperture: 149.8 mm × 149.8 mm, length 387 mm
- Exit aperture: 100.3 x 100.3 mm
- Maximum intensity over aperture: 630 suns
- Uniformity: ±5% over aperture
- Alternate secondary (internal cooling): 147 × 148 mm and 81 × 82 mm (about the same intensity and uniformity as above); both use protected silver reflective coating
Alternate secondary concentrator configurations are possible depending on the experimental needs.
XYZ Table
- Speed: adjustable 0–2 cm/s (0–5 in/s)
- X (lateral) travel: 122 cm (48 in)
- Y (focal length) travel: 183 cm (72 in)
- Z (vertical) travel: 152±46 cm (60 ±18 in)
- Nominal focal point: 152 cm (60 in) off floor; minimum table height 117 cm (46 in)
- Precision: ±0.05 mm
- Capacity: 180 kg (400 lb) cantilevered 61 cm (24 in) off center
- Maximum deflection: 6.4 mm (0.25 in) at max capacity
- Programmable via PC
- Vertically opposing two-plate design or Venetian-blind type
- Speed and acceleration adjustable up to 1 m/s and 2 m/s2
- Travel time: 1.5–15 s to full-open or full-closed
- Located 1.78 m (70 in) from target (max flux: 25 suns); opening 1.275 wide × 1.320 m tall
- Operable in manual or automatic (from data acquisition system) mode
- Can provide flux control based on signal input, e.g., pyrheliometer input for constant flux or thermocouple input for constant temperature
- Fast acting: travel time about 0.5 s either opening or closing
- Programmable to any position
- Actively cooled
- Located 84 cm (33 in) from target
- Operable in manual or automatic (from data acquisition system) mode
- Can control shutter on signal input through LabView (e.g., thermocouple)
Data Acquisition
- National Instruments LabVIEW program and hardware
- Monitors temperatures, solar radiation (W/m2), and wind speed
- Temperature measurements can be tied into HFSF control (shutter, attenuator, blinds)
- Available for research equipment control
- Current input for 40 type-K thermocouples (to be expanded)
- Analog input for 17 components (to be expanded)
- Versatile configuration to accommodate any variety of research
Miscellaneous Features
- Turning mirror to redirect beam to horizontal target
- Front-surface aluminum mirror
- Solar-weighted reflectivity: 92%
- Flexibility in experiment size and orientation
- Wide range of flux levels: 10–2,000 W/cm2 with secondary
- Remote viewing of target with LaserCam cameras
- Pyrometers operating at 2–2.7 or 8–14 microns; temperatures to 1,000°C or 3,000°C
- Gas flow manifold system with four MKS flow controllers ranging from 2,000 to 30,000 sccm
- Exhaust hood above experimental area
- Drill press and hand tools
- Electrical: 120 V, 208 V, and 208 V 3-phase power available
- 3 kVA Clary and 1.5 kVA Liebart uninterruptible power supply
- Compressor: 7 scfm @120 psi
- Water: city and deionized water available
- Chillers: NESLAB HX750, >40,000 Btu/h @ 6 gpm 50% propylene glycol
- Thermo-Scientific chemical hood
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SunLab Test Facilities. Solar Thermal Electric Program SnapShot (Fact sheet)
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