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Geothermal Supply Curves

NREL has developed an interactive map and geospatial data showing geothermal supply curves, which characterize the quantity, quality, and cost of both hydrothermal and enhanced geothermal systems (EGS) under specific scenarios.

Hydrothermal potential was evaluated at a depth of 3.5 km, EGS binary potential was evaluated at a depth of 4.5 km and 5.5 km, and EGS flash potential was evaluated at 6.5 km. Temperature estimates were provided by the Southern Methodist University (SMU).

The data contained within the map are the levelized cost of energy and the levelized cost of transmission for the various scenarios. Data can be downloaded from the table below.

Geospatial Data

Geothermal supply curve data are provided in .csv format and include latitude, longitude, available area, capacity potential, generation potential, generator capacity factor, and distance/cost to interconnection.

ScenarioHydrothermal BinaryEnhanced Geothermal Systems BinaryEnhanced Geothermal Systems Flash
Resource DataSMU Temp at Depth (3.5 km)SMU Temp at Depth (4.5 km / 5.5 km)SMU Temp at Depth (6.5 km)
Plant Conversion TypeBinaryBinaryFlash
Drilling Cost ($/well)3,130,2583,864,018 / 4,592,9835,317,153
Capital Expenditures (2022$/kW)14,479.834,538.362,756.22
Fixed Operational Expenditures (2022$/kW)212611999
Fixed Charge Rate (%)6.348
Developable Area (km2)577,211999,961 / 1,623,779701,062
Capacity (GW)1,6423,698 / 7,0186,500
Generation (TWh)14,28432,189 / 61,08856,663

1 These are the 2035 representative sites overnight capital costs reduced by the drilling costs for the default ATB geothermal plant, calculated using the “Ideal” GETEM drilling cost curve. No regional or economies of scale multipliers are applied.
2 These are the 2035 representative sites fixed operational costs.

Data Source Spatial Extent Count/Aerial Resolution Depth Resolution Units Reference
SMU Temperatures Conterminous U.S. 2.5 km x 2.5 km = 6.25 km2 3.5 km – 10 km depth increments of 1 km Degree C (Blackwell et al., 2011)

Layer Square Kilometers Type Source Percentage of CONUS
Federal Lands 1,106,975 Land Ownership ESRI 13.70
Military Lands 83,101 Land Ownership ESRI 1.02
Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Lands 614,117 Land Ownership ESRI 7.60
Sage Grouse 239,645 Ecological BLM 3.14
Dixie Valley Toad 2.3 Ecological U.S. Geological Survey
Teihm Buckwheat 0.052 Ecological U.S. Fish and Wildlife Survey



Last Updated Jan. 22, 2025