Data and Tools
NREL offers energy analysis tools, models, and other resources for researchers, developers, investors, and others interested in the viability, analysis, and development of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies and systems.
ADOPT: Automotive Deployment Options Projection Tool
Modeling tool that estimates vehicle technology improvement impacts on future U.S. light-duty vehicle sales, energy use, and emissions.
Alternative Fuels Data Center Tools
Collection of tools—calculators, interactive maps, and data searches—that can help fleets, fuel providers, and other transportation decision-makers reduce petroleum use.
FASTSim: Future Automotive Systems Technology Simulator
Simulation tool that provides fuel economy, performance, battery life, and cost calculations for different vehicle design and usage scenarios.
Fleet DNA: Vehicle Drive Cycle Analysis
Clearinghouse of medium- and heavy-duty commercial fleet transportation data for optimizing the design of advanced vehicle technologies or for selecting a technology to invest in.
Fuel Cell System Contaminants Material Selector Tool
Interactive material selector tool to help fuel cell developers and material suppliers explore the results of fuel cell system contaminants studies.
H2A-Lite: Hydrogen Analysis Production Model
Hydrogen production model that provides a convenient, high-level techno-economic view of select hydrogen production technologies.
H2A: Hydrogen Analysis Production Models
Hydrogen production models used for analyzing the economics of distributed and centralized hydrogen production from various energy resources, including renewables, coal, natural gas, and biomass.
H2FAST: Hydrogen Financial Analysis Scenario Tool
Available as an interactive online tool or a downloadable Excel spreadsheet, this modeling tool provides a quick and convenient in-depth financial analysis for hydrogen fueling stations.
H2FillS: Hydrogen Filling Simulation
H2FillS helps safely design and operate a hydrogen fueling stations by tracking the transient change in hydrogen temperature, pressure, and mass flow when filling a fuel cell electric vehicle.
HyDRA: Hydrogen Demand and Resource Analysis
Web-based GIS tool that provides access to hydrogen demand, resource, infrastructure, cost, production, and distribution data.
Hydrogen Storage Models
Hydrogen storage models developed as part of the Hydrogen Storage Engineering Center of Excellence, which addresses the engineering challenges associated with developing lower-pressure, materials-based, hydrogen storage systems for hydrogen fuel cell and internal combustion engine light-duty vehicles.
National Fuel Cell Technology Evaluation Center
Off-network data center used for the secure management, storage, and processing of proprietary data from industry.
Open EI: Open Energy Information Hydrogen
Knowledge-sharing wiki that provides access to energy-related information, data, and applications.
SERA: Scenario Evaluation and Regionalization Analysis Model
Infrastructure analysis model that can evaluate both the supply and demand sides of transportation systems to help guide infrastructure development and transportation investment decisions.
StoreFAST: Storage Financial Analysis Scenario Tool
Financial analysis model that enables techno-economic analysis of energy storage technologies in service of grid-scale energy applications.
T3CO: Transportation Technology Total Cost of Ownership
Tool that enables levelized assessments of the full life cycle costs of advanced technology commercial vehicles, accounting for operational variations as well as technology considerations associated with decarbonization.
TEMPO: Transportation Energy & Mobility Pathway Options
An all-inclusive transportation demand model used to generate long-term scenarios of technology adoption and mobility choices focusing on future pathways for transportation energy use and emissions to compare alternatives, inform decision makers, and assess integration with energy infrastructure and the electric grid.
Transportation Secure Data Center
Repository of detailed travel data—including demographic information and second-by-second speed profiles—from various surveys and studies. The center makes these data available to support research projects while protecting individual participant privacy.
Other NREL Analysis Tools
Learn about other NREL analysis tools and activities.
Last Updated Feb. 10, 2025