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Asia EDGE Power Sector Learning Series

The Asia EDGE Power Sector Learning Series are no-cost, virtual trainings on power sector planning, resilience, grid integration, and power sector modernization.

Supported by USAID's Regional Development Mission for Asia in partnership with the Advanced Energy Partnership for Asia and the USAID Southeast Asia EDGE Hub, the series features leading global experts sharing cutting-edge approaches and best practices to enable competitive markets for clean energy technologies across Southeast Asia. This series supports USAID missions and partner countries in Southeast Asia with a knowledge sharing platform to showcase their work, deepen collaboration, and develop standardized messaging and outreach.

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Power Sector Learning Series

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Webinar Archives

January 24, 2023

Watch the Training the Workforce of the Future: Gender Equity Resources and Free Technical Teaching Materials webinar.

Although women make up half of the workforce potential worldwide, they are typically under-represented in the power sector, particularly in technical and leadership roles such as utility management, planning, policy making, and engineering. Women in Power System Transformation–a joint initiative funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented through the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and the Global Power System Transformation Consortium–aims to expand leadership and technical training opportunities for women in power system operations. With a focus on gender diversity and equality, Women in Power System Transformation brings together leading institutions to support students, researchers, and power sector practitioners in developing deeper knowledge and skills on cutting-edge technical topics related to variable renewable energy integration, power sector transformation, and advanced power system operations. Led by Imperial College London and supported by power systems experts from around the world, Women in Power System Transformation and Global Power System Transformation have published in-depth university teaching materials for fivecutting-edge power system technical topics, including:

  1. Declining System Inertia and Dynamic Reserve Requirements
  2. Power System Stability with 100% Inverter-Based Resources 
  3. Impacts of Electric Vehicles on Power Systems 
  4. Network Planning and Pricing to Support Net-Zero Transition
  5. Modular Multilevel Converters High-Voltage Direct Current.

This webinar shares the importance of a gender-diverse system operator workforce, technical training opportunities for women, regional gender equity program and resources, and how to access and use the free technical teaching materials.

Speakers include:

  • Scott Bartos – USAID Regional Development Mission for Asia
  • Sadie Cox – NREL
  • Hallie Lucas – NREL
  • Sinthya Roesly – PLN Indonesia
  • Aldilla Noor Rakhiemah – ASEAN Centre for Energy
  • Lois Varrick – CORE International, USAID Enhancing Equality in Energy for Southeast Asia.

October 20, 2022

Watch the Modeling Air Quality and Health Benefits for Southeast Asia’s Electricity Sector Under AIMS III Scenarios webinar.

Fossil-fueled electricity power generation is a substantial source of air pollution and associated health problems in Southeast Asia and around the world. Exposure to outdoor fine particulate matter has been found to be the most important environmental risk factor for mortality in Southeast Asia, a region that has some of the worst air quality in the world. This webinar summarizes the results of a multiyear study that NREL and the University of Minnesota conducted with regional partners, the ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) and the United States Agency for International Development’s Regional Development Mission for Asia.

This study estimated the benefits to air quality and human health from the increased renewable deployment and transmission integration scenarios developed in the ASEAN Interconnection Masterplan Study (AIMS III). Experts from NREL and ACE, in partnership with USAID under the Advanced Energy Partnership for Asia, lead this webinar and shared grid scenarios from AIMS III, which estimate emissions from coal, gas, and diesel plants; the particulate matter concentration that results from those power generation emissions; and the premature mortality from long-term exposure to particulate matter. The webinar concludes with power sector recommendations, perspectives from Southeast Asia stakeholders, and a Q&A with webinar speakers.

Speakers include:

  • Prathibha Juturu – United States Agency for International Development’s Regional Development Mission for Asia
  • Karin Wadsack – NREL
  • Garvin Heath – NREL
  • Beni Suryadi – ACE
  • Jason Hill – University of Minnesota
  • Radin Diana R. Ahmad – TNB Research
  • Vikram Ravi – NREL.

July 27, 2022

Watch the Hydrogen for Decarbonization in Southeast Asia - FAQs and Potential Uses webinar.

Hydrogen is emerging across the world as a potential low-carbon energy carrier that can provide an alternative to fossil fuels. With the increasing deployment of renewable energy across Southeast Asia, the role of low-carbon power generation in hydrogen production through electrolysis is expected to increase. This can happen in several strategic sectors such as chemicals, iron, steel, and long-haul transport, including heavy-duty trucks and shipping.

Experts from the United States Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), in partnership with USAID under the Advanced Energy Partnership for Asia, lead a webinar on hydrogen basics; hydrogen production, storage, and transportation; hydrogen for power sector decarbonization; and cross-sectoral applications of hydrogen.

Speakers include:

  • Prathibha Juturu – United States Agency for International Development, Regional Development Mission for Asia
  • Derina Man – NREL
  • Mohit Joshi – NREL 
  • Tomas Green – U.S. Department of Energy Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office
  • Dr. Navadol Laosiripojana – King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi/Joint Graduate School for Energy and Environment.

April 19, 2022

Watch the Rooftop Solar PV Quality and Safety in Developing Countries webinar.

Across South and Southeast Asia, scaling solar photovoltaic (PV) deployment requires the technology to be safe and reliable, while also meeting both customer and utility expectations. But challenges exist, including overall PV system performance, poor installation practices, suboptimal quality of system components, and safety incidents that all have downstream impacts on the solar industry and customer adoption. However, lessons learned and best practices from around the world can address these challenges and help increase adoption.

This webinar highlights the USAID – U.S. Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) Partnership's Rooftop Solar PV Quality and Safety in Developing Countries – Key Issues and Potential Solutions technical report and will explain how quality and safety are key in enabling advanced energy systems for secure, resilient, and sustainable economic growth across South and Southeast Asia. A case study on best practices from India is also highlighted. The webinar is presented and moderated by experts from NREL, Nexus Energytech, and the USAID Southeast Asia EDGE Hub.

Speakers include:

  • Andy Walker – NREL
  • James Elsworth – NREL
  • Arvind Karandikar – Nexus Energytech.

Dec. 8, 2021

Watch the Guide to Distributed Photovoltaics (DPV) Utility Revenue and Retail Tariff Impact Analysis webinar.

This webinar highlights the USAID-NREL Partnership's DPV Revenue and Retail Tariff Impact Analysis Guide and explains the purpose of conducting these types of analyses, while highlighting key considerations to keep in mind. The methods and results of several analyses from Southeast Asia are also examined.

Speakers include:

  • Alexandra Aznar – NREL
  • Naim Darghouth – Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
  • Owen Zinaman – NREL.

Oct. 5, 2021

Watch the Power Sector Planning in Vietnam Using Variable Renewable Energy Data webinar.

This webinar provides an overview of the high-resolution, multiyear variable renewable energy data developed by NREL for Vietnam and how it can be used by stakeholders to inform variable renewable energy deployment decisions. The webinar also showcases how NREL's variable renewable energy data was used for the USAID Vietnam Low Emission Energy Program (V-LEEP II) PDP8's analysis through capacity expansion and production cost modeling. Finally, the webinar features a presentation of additional visualization tools developed by the USAID V-LEEP team, with support from NREL.

Speakers include:

  • Mohit Joshi – NREL
  • Ananth Chikkatur – USAID V-LEEP II (Deloitte Consulting).

July 28, 2021

Watch the RE Data Explorer Next Steps: Project Economics Using the System Advisor Model webinar.

This webinar introduces how NREL's System Advisor Model (SAM) can be used in conjunction with the RE Data Explorer to detail project feasibility and economic analysis. It includes an introduction of SAM and its relevant inputs, a case study of utility-scale photovoltaic project economics using SAM, and a deep dive on using SAM and the RE Data Explorer's technical potential tool for project site selection.

Speakers include:

  • James McCall – NREL
  • Haiku Sky – NREL
  • Mark Jacobson – NREL.

June 30, 2021

Watch the Key Considerations for Adoption of Technical Codes and Standards for Battery Electric Storage Systems webinar.

The use of battery energy storage systems (BESS) requires codes and standards like those for other inverter-based technologies but may also necessitate special safety considerations in specific contexts. As countries in Asia consider the inclusion of BESS in their power systems, there is an opportunity to learn from the experiences of other regions that have developed more advanced storage markets and practices. This webinar provides guidelines for developing BESS technical standards by referencing current international BESS related codes and standards.

Speakers include:

  • Carishma Gokhale-Welch – NREL
  • Sherry Stout – NREL
  • Leon Roose – Hawai'I Natural Energy Institute
  • Marc Matsuura – Hawai'I Natural Energy Institute.

April 28, 2021

Watch the Informing Renewable Energy Project Development with the RE Data Explorer webinar.

Renewable energy stakeholders have access to a new set of tools to inform project development in Southeast Asia. Whether you are a new or an existing user, this webinar helps users utilize the RE Data Explorer to support well-informed renewable energy project planning and execution.

Speakers include:

  • Mark Jacobson – NREL
  • Galen Maclaurin – NREL
  • Andre Susanto – Inovasi.

April 20, 2021

Watch the Updating the ASEAN Power Grid for Increased Renewables webinar.

The ASEAN Interconnection Masterplan Study III (AIMS III) is guiding the development of interconnected grid systems across Southeast Asia. The latest study findings offer recommendations on how to develop these systems to boost power trade and increase uptake of renewable energies. This webinar provides a deep dive on the study's results and next steps for implementation.

Speakers include:

  • Beni Suryadi – ASEAN Centre for Energy
  • Akbar Swandaru – ASEAN Centre for Energy
  • Santisouk Phimphachanh – Laos Ministry of Energy and Mines
  • Pitoon Junthip – USAID Clean Power Asia.

March 12, 2021

Watch the Transforming the Power Sector: Regulatory Design for Disruptive Technologies webinar.

In Southeast Asia, commercial and industrial players, policymakers, and individual consumers are increasingly interested in harnessing the benefits of renewable energy sources, such as distributed energy resources, but are hindered by a lack of enabling regulatory structures. This webinar looks at how well-designed regulations can increase uptake of distributed energy resources with examples related to distributed photovoltaics, battery energy storage, and electric vehicles.

Speakers include:

  • Supawan Saelim – USAID Clean Power Asia
  • Weerin Wangjiraniran – Chulalongkorn University
  • Sopitsuda Tongsopit – USAID Clean Power Asia
  • David Hurlbut – NREL
  • Santiago Enriquez – Abt Associates, USAID CEADIR.

Feb. 24, 2021

Watch the Launch of High-Fidelity Solar Time Series Dataset for Southeast Asia to Support Renewable Energy Deployment webinar.

A lack of publicly available, high-resolution renewable energy data hinders private sector participation in Southeast Asia's power sector. Updates to the RE Data Explorer provide high-quality, robust, and reliable renewable solar data. The data can be used to drive energy sector investment and inform prospecting, as well as in renewable energy auctions, target-setting, grid integration and other high impact decisions, ranging from the micro to macro scale. This webinar launches the data, how to use it, and includes an explanation of how it was developed.

Speakers include:

  • Sadie Cox – NREL
  • Galen Maclaurin – NREL
  • Haiku Sky – NREL.

Jan. 27, 2021

Watch the COVID-19 Energy Sector Impacts and Recovery in Southeast Asia webinar.

Countries of Southeast Asia face unprecedented challenges as they respond to the global coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Energy demand has decreased, while shifts in the use of energy have disrupted typical means of cost recovery, system operations, and investment. This webinar reviews how countries across the region can respond to, and plan for, the long-term recovery of a rapidly changing sector.

Speakers include:

  • Jennifer Leisch – Two Degrees Group
  • Nghia Nguyen – RCEE-Niras, Vietnam
  • Floresinda Digal – Energy Regulatory Commission, Philippines
  • Nagaraja Rao – Private Advisory Network for Asia.

Dec. 9, 2020

Watch the Evaluating Rooftop Solar Opportunities at Commercial and Industrial Facilities in Southeast Asia webinar.

This webinar launches a financial model that enables companies to gauge the feasibility of installing rooftop solar at their facilities, either through self-investment or a private Power Purchase Agreement. Presenters will also discuss market opportunities for commercial and industrial rooftop solar in Southeast Asia.

Speakers include:

  • Evan Scandling – Clean Energy Investment Accelerator
  • Joost Siteur – USAID Clean Power Asia
  • Suchai Burananvalahok – USAID Clean Power Asia.

Nov. 24, 2020

Watch the Bridging the Investment Gap to Green Energy Finance in Southeast Asia webinar.

What are the financing needs for a clean energy transition in Southeast Asia and in what sectors are these priority investments needed? The Asian Development Bank estimates that $3 trillion (USD) is needed to update Southeast Asia's energy infrastructure to offset the impacts of extreme climate events. How can capital markets be mobilized for investments in this energy transition? This webinar discusses the current state of play of green finance in Southeast Asia and how the region can accelerate a clean and resilient future to become a green economic powerhouse.

Speakers include:

  • Jackie B. Surtani – Asian Development Bank
  • Daniel Tobin – Export-Import Bank of the United States
  • Maria Goravanchi – U.S. International Development Finance Corporation.

Sept. 29, 2020

Watch the Examining the Evolution of Regulatory Frameworks and Distributed Photovoltaic Policies webinar.

Is distributed photovoltaic policy one-size-fits-all? What regulations best govern a nascent market? And how should regulatory frameworks evolve as distributed photovoltaic penetration expands? This webinar explores best practices in the evolution of distributed photovoltaic regulatory and policy frameworks through case studies from California, Vietnam, and the Philippines.

Speakers include:

  • Sopitsuda Tongsopit – USAID Clean Power Asia
  • Duc Nguyen – USAID Vietnam Low Emission Energy Program
  • Marlon Apanada – Clean Energy Investment Accelerator.

Sept. 1, 2020

Watch the Exploring Emerging Trends and Technologies in Distributed Energy Resources webinar.

Disruptive technologies are reshaping the world and society is becoming more interconnected than ever. The conventional model of centralized electricity generation is quickly becoming obsolete with the move towards a distributed world of energy prosumers, peer-to-peer electricity trading, and electric vehicles serving as both modes of transport and mobile energy hubs. This webinar reviews new technologies and business models in distributed energy and the transforming roles of producers, consumers, and the power sector.

Speakers include:

  • Kaylyn Bopp – NREL
  • Hong Miao – World Resources Institute
  • Lyan Villacorta – C40 Cities Finance Facility.

Aug. 11, 2020

Watch the Open-Source Tools and Data for Clean Energy Decision Making webinar.

Access to high-quality data and tools is at the core of decision making for energy transitions. Although many commercial solutions are available, there are several advantages to using widely accessible, open-access data and tools. This webinar focuses on data and tools that can inform renewable energy planning and decision making. It also demonstrates open-source tools for power system data specification and simulations developed under the Scalable Integrated Infrastructure Planning Initiative at NREL.

Speakers include:

  • Sadie Cox – NREL
  • Clayton Barrows – NREL
  • Surachai Chaitusaney – Chulalongkorn University.

July 9, 2020

Watch the A Practitioner's Guide to Implementing Solar Rooftop Programs and Navigating Net Metering Policies webinar.

Translating net metering policy into safe, efficient, effective processes is no simple task for a distribution utility. Yet many utilities have paved the way already and there is much to learn from their efforts. This webinar prepares distribution utilities for how to implement solar rooftop programs as solar penetrations increase in developing countries, particularly Southeast Asia. It covers interconnection basics and key challenges, grid code essentials, and streamlining the interconnection process.

Speakers include:

  • Leon Roose – Hawai'i Natural Energy Institute
  • Marc Mastura – Hawai'i Natural Energy Institute
  • Michael Ingram – NREL.


Last Updated Feb. 5, 2025