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Global Toolkits

The USAID-NREL Partnership provides free toolkits through its global technical platforms. The toolkits offer state-of-the-art support on common and critical challenges countries face when scaling up advanced energy systems.

RE Explorer logo

Renewable Energy Explorer

Renewable Energy (RE) Explorer provides renewable energy data, geospatial analysis tools, and technical assistance to support developers, policymakers, and decision makers to make data-driven energy decisions.

Greening the Grid logo

Greening the Grid

Greening the Grid is a platform for expertly curated information and guidance to support countries in power system transformation and grid modernization. The Greening the Grid platform is organized into topic-specific Toolkits that provide concise and comprehensive overviews of emerging practices for addressing renewable energy development.

Grid Integration Toolkit

Grid Integration Toolkit website

The Grid Integration Toolkit provides state-of-the-art resources to assist developing countries in integrating variable renewable energy into their power grids.

Distributed Photovoltaics (DPV) Toolkit

Distributed PV Toolkit website

The Distributed Photovoltaics Toolkit provides resources to support developing countries in addressing barriers to safe, effective, and accelerated deployment of distributed solar power.

Renewable Energy Zone (REZ) Toolkit

Renewable Energy Zones Toolkit website

The Renewable Energy Zone (REZ) Toolkit helps power system planners and other stakeholders to connect areas of cost-effective renewable energy generation to the grid through the REZ transmission planning process.

Electric Vehicle Toolkit

Electric Vehicle Toolkit website

Vehicle electrification is the only economically viable pathway to achieving advanced energy transformations in the transport sector at-scale. The Electric Vehicle (EV) toolkit offers information and guidance materials to support the safe, cost-effective deployment of EVs.

Energy Storage Toolkit

Energy Storage Toolkit website

Energy storage technologies can charge energy from an external source and discharge this energy at a later time. The Energy Storage toolkit offers curated resources and guidance on integrating commercially available energy storage technologies into the power system.

I-JEDI logo

International Jobs and Economic Development Impacts

The International Jobs and Economic Development Impacts (I-JEDI) model is a free tool for analyzing the potential economic impacts and job benefits from wind, solar, biomass, and geothermal energy projects around the world. I-JEDI estimates the employment, earnings, gross domestic product, and output from the construction and operation of renewable energy projects across the supply chain.

Resilient Energy Platform logo

The Resilient Energy Platform

The Resilient Energy Platform provides expertly curated resources, training, tools, and technical assistance to enhance power sector resilience. The platform enables decision makers to assess power sector vulnerabilities, identify resilience solutions, and make informed decisions to enhance power sector resilience at all scales.

Energy Efficiency for Development logo

Energy Efficiency for Development

Energy Efficiency for Development (EE4D) is a global platform that helps countries with policy, planning, and deployment support for energy efficient development and smart technologies application.

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Last Updated Feb. 5, 2025