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Design, Simulation, and Control

NREL's computing resources allow our scientists and engineers to study the performance of wave energy systems at unprecedented levels of detail to enable the development of innovative and robust system designs.

Photo of three researchers examining a topographical map.

Photo by Dennis Schroeder, NREL

High-Performance Computing

NREL's high-performance computing system is the world's largest system dedicated to advancing renewable energy and energy-efficiency technologies.

OpenFAST: Marine Turbine Simulation Tool

OpenFAST, an open-source tool that simulates marine energy turbines, is helping developers understand how their devices might perform in open water.

Variable Geometry and Controls

To reduce the cost of wave energy, we develop wave energy system technologies that can optimize power absorption and minimize peak loads and peak-to-average power using novel control strategies, like variable-geometry systems, which can change shape to produce more energy more efficiently.

Wave Array and System Integration Analysis

NREL designs numerical modeling tools to analyze and improve wave energy system integration with micro- and utility-scale grid systems as well as tools to optimize device array layout and performance in wave energy power plants.

Wave Energy Conversion Modeling

NREL develops open-source, computer-aided engineering tools and uses high-fidelity numerical modeling methods. These tools provide the wave energy community with state-of-the-art design and simulation capabilities needed to develop commercially viable technologies. 


Salman Husain

Researcher III, Mechanical Engineering

[email protected]


Last Updated Dec. 9, 2024