Seismic is a module for simulating seismic loads on wind turbines.
It was developed through a subcontract between NREL and Missouri University of Science and Technology.
The seismic module is implemented as a replacement for the generic user-defined platform loading routine in FAST v7, UserPtfmLd. All functionality existing in FAST, other than that relying on other platform models, is still intact and functions without modification. This module adds the ability to:
- Specify a platform motion time series as displacement, velocity, or acceleration independently in the X, Y, and Z axes
- Generation of synthetic motion for platform motion time histories
- Baseline correct motions to prevent residual displacement and velocity due to numerical error in integration
- Perform spectral matching through integration with the 2009 version of RSPMATCH as documented in An Improved Method for Nonstationary Spectral Matching, Earthquake Spectra (2010).
The force required to achieve the desired motion is calculated at run time for each time step and applied to the wind turbine platform in FAST using a damped oscillator model. The current implementation does not directly support consideration of base rocking, twisting, or soil-structure interaction.
Through a code-to-code verification, the version published has been shown to reproduce previous published work.
Estimation of Seismic Load Demand for a Wind Turbine in the Time Domain, 2010 European Wind Energy Conference (2010)
This software was developed by Ian Prowell of MMI Engineering.
Seismic_v2.00.00.exe (Contact Jason Jonkman for a copy.)
Seismic Change Log (v2.00.00, 1 KB, 01-May-2014)
This is a list of changes made to the code. Look at this text file to see if we've made worthwhile changes since you received your previous version of Seismic.
Seismic Shaking Documentation (v1.00, 625 KB, August-2012)
This is a document that can be used as a manual for using the seismic module. Input parameters, example files, verifications, and recommend practices are described in this documentation. It is also included in the archive.
Last Updated Feb. 24, 2025