Wind Energy Technologies
NREL leads high-risk, transformational R&D activities across wide-ranging timescales and competencies to support a thriving U.S. wind power industry.
From small-scale turbines to supersized offshore plants, wind energy innovations are needed to reach the full potential for wind power in our future electricity system. NREL's research portfolio spans multiple technology areas to ensure that cost-competitive wind power works alongside traditional electricity sources and enables a diverse energy portfolio across the nation.
Partner with Us
The Flatirons Campus includes office space for industry researchers, experimental laboratories, computer facilities for analytical work, tools and machine shops, and space for assembling components and systems.
NREL offers a variety of ways for organizations to gain access to our wind technology expertise:
Partner with us through technology partnership agreements.
Participate in subcontracted wind research through solicitations and requests for proposals.
Use our cutting-edge research facilities to develop, test, and evaluate wind technologies.
Learn more about working with NREL.
Last Updated Feb. 24, 2025