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Systems Engineering Publications

The National Wind Technology Center's Systems Engineering Initiative releases publications associated with strategic direction and specific research applications.

Below are publications, presentations, and posters that apply a systems engineering approach to wind energy research, design, and development. View:


Presentations and Posters


Eberle, A., Roberts, J.O., Key, A., Bhaskar, P., and Dykes, K.L. (2019) NREL's Balance-of-System Cost Model for Land-Based Wind No. NREL/TP-6A20-72201.

Stanley, APJ; Ning, A.; Dykes, K. (2019) Optimization of Turbine Design in Wind Farms with Multiple Hub Heights, Using Exact Analytic Gradients and Structural ConstraintsWind Energy. 22: 605–619.

Fleming, P.; King, J.; Dykes, K.; Simley, E.; Roadman, J.; Scholbrock, A.; Murphy, P.; Lundquist, J. K.; Moriarty, P.; Fleming, K.; van Dam, J.; Bay, C.; Mudafort, R.; Lopez, H.; Skopek, J.; Scott, M.; Ryan, B.; Guernsey, C; and Brake, D. (2019) Initial Results from a Field Campaign of Wake Steering Applied at a Commercial Wind Farm: Part 1, Wind Energ. Sci. Discuss. In review.

Stanley, APJ.; Ning, A.;  Dykes, K. (2018) Benefits of Two Turbine Rotor Diameters and Hub Heights in the Same Wind Farm. AIAA 2018-2016.

Dykes, K.; Damiani, R.; Roberts, O.; Lantz, E. (2018) Analysis of Ideal Towers for Tall Wind Applications. AIAA 2018-0999.

Sethuraman, L.; Quick, J.; Dykes, K.; Guo, Y. (2018) Exploring Optimization Opportunities in Four-Point Suspension Wind Turbine Drivetrains through Integrated Design Approaches. AIAA 2018-1000.

Hayes, A.; Sethuraman, L.; Dykes, K.; Fingersh, LJ. (2018) Structural Optimization of a Direct-Drive Wind Turbine Generator Inspired by Additive Manufacturing. Procedia Manufacturing. 26: 740–752 (2018).

Graf, P.; Dykes, K.; Damiani, R.; Jonkman, J.; Veers, P. (2018) Adaptive Stratified Importance Sampling: Hybridization of Extrapolation and Importance Sampling Monte Carlo Methods for Estimation of Wind Turbine Extreme Loads, Wind Energ. Sci., 3, 475–487.

Adcock, C.; King, R.N.; Annoni, J. (2018) Data-Driven Wind Plant Optimization in Varying Atmospheric Stabilities. 2018 American Controls Conference, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

King, R.N.; Quick, J.; Adcock, C.; Dykes, K. (2018) Active Subspaces for Wind Plant Surrogate Modeling. 2018 AIAA SciTech ASME Wind Energy Symposium.

King, R.N.; Hamlington, P.E.; Graf, P.; Dykes, K. (2017) Optimization of Wind Plant Layouts Using an Adjoint Approach. Wind Energy Science, doi:10.5194/wes-2-115-2017.

Thomas, J.; Gebraad, P.; Ning, A. (August 2017) Improving the FLORIS Wind Plant Model for Compatibility with Gradient-Based Optimization. Wind Engineering, doi:10.1177/0309524X17722000.

Stanley, A.P.J.; Thomas, J.; Ning, A.; Annoni, J.; Dykes, K.; Fleming, P. (January 2017) Gradient-Based Optimization of Wind Farms with Different Turbine Heights. AIAA SciTech Forum: 35th Wind Energy Symposium, Grapevine, Texas, doi:10.2514/6.2017-1619.

Dykes, K.; Damiani, R.; Roberts, O.; Lantz, E. (2018) Analysis of Ideal Towers for Tall Wind Applications: Preprint. NREL/CP-5000-70642.

Sethuraman, L.; Dykes, K. (September 2017) GeneratorSE: A Sizing Tool for Variable-Speed Wind Turbine Generators. NREL/TP-5000-66462, doi:10.2514/6.2017-1619.

Seturaman, L.; Maness, M.; Dykes, K. (January 2017) Optimized Generator Designs for the DTU 10-MW Offshore Wind Turbine using GeneratorSE. AIAA SciTech Forum: 35th Wind Energy Symposium, Grapevine, Texas, doi:10.2172/1395455.

Graf, P.; Damiani, R.; Dykes, K., Jonkman, J. (January 2017) Advances in the Assessment of Wind Turbine Operating Extreme Loads via More Efficient Calculation Approaches. AIAA SciTech Forum: 35th Wind Energy Symposium, Grapevine, Texas, doi:10.2514/6.2017-0680 

Quick, J.; Annoni, J.; King, R.; Dykes, K.; Fleming, P.; Ning, A. (2017) Optimization under uncertainty for wake steering strategies. Wake Conference 2017, Visby, Sweden. NREL/CP-5000-68185.

Perez-Moreno, S.; Zaaijer, M.; Bottasso, C.; Dykes, K.; Merz, K.; Rethore, P.; Zahle, F. (2016) Roadmap to the multidisciplinary design analysis and optimisation of wind energy systems. Journal of Physics, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/753/6/062011. 

Quick, J.; Dykes, K.; Graf, P.; Zahle, F. (2016) Optimization Under Uncertainty of Site-Specific Turbine Configurations. Journal of Physics, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/753/6/062012.

Damiani, K.; Dykes, K.; Scott, G. (2016) A comparison study of offshore wind support structures with monopiles and jackets for U.S. waters. Journal of Physics, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/753/9/092003

Graf, P.; Dykes, K.; Scott, G.; Fields, J.; Lunacek, M.; Quick, J.; Rethore, P. (2016) Wind Farm Turbine Type and Placement Optimization. Journal of Physics,  doi:10.1088/1742-6596/753/6/062004.

Damiani, R.; Ning, A.; Maples, B.; Smith, A.;  Dykes, K (September 2016) Scenario Analysis for Techno-Economic Model Development of U.S. Offshore Wind Support Structures. Wind Energy, doi:10.1002/we.2021.

Gebraad, P.; Thomas, J.; Ning, A.; Fleming, P.; Dykes, K. (May 2016) Maximization of the Annual Energy Production of Wind Power Plants by Optimization of Layout and Yaw-Based Wake Control. Wind Energy, doi:10.1002/we.1993.

Thomas, J.; Tingey, E.; Ning, A. (July 2015) Comparison of Two Wake Models for Use in Gradient-based Wind Farm Layout Optimization. IEEE Conference on Technologies for Sustainability, Ogden, Utah, doi:10.1109/SusTech.2015.7314347.

Ning, A.; Hayman, G.; Damiani, R.; Jonkman, J. (January 2015) Development and Validation of a New Blade Element Momentum Skewed-Wake Model within AeroDyn. 33rd ASME Wind Energy Symposium, Kissimmee, Florida, doi:10.2514/6.2015-0215.

Damiani, R. (2016) JacketSE: An Offshore Wind Turbine Jacket Sizing Tool; Theory Manual and Sample Usage with Preliminary Validation. NREL/TP-5000-65417.

Guo, Y; Parsons, T.; Dykes, K.; King, R. (2016) A Systems Engineering Analysis of Three-Point and Four-Point Wind Turbine Drivetrain Configurations. Wind Energy, NREL/JA-5000-66339.

Parsons, T.; Guo, Y.; Veers, P.; Dykes, K.; Damiani, R. (2016) Usage of Parameterized Fatigue Spectra and Physics-Based Systems Engineering Models for Determination of Wind Turbine Component Sizing. Paper No. AIAA 2016-0754 NREL/CP-5000-66043 Proceedings of AIAA SciTech: 34th Wind Energy Symposium, 4-8 January 2016, San Diego, California 15 pp. 

King, R.; Hamlington, P; Graf, P.; Dykes, K. (2016) Adjoint Optimization of Wind Farm Layouts for Systems Engineering Analysis. Paper No. AIAA 2016-2199 NREL/CP-5000-65767  Proceedings of AIAA SciTech: 34th Wind Energy Symposium, 4-8 January 2016, San Diego, California 16 pp.

Ning, A.; Petch, D. (2016) Integrated Design of Downwind Land-Based Wind Turbines Using Analytic Gradients. Wind Energy, doi: 10.1002/we.1972.

Graf, P.; Stewart, G.; Lackner, M.; Dykes, K.; Veers, P. (2015) High-throughput Computation and the Applicability of Monte Carlo Integration in Fatigue Load Estimation of Floating Offshore Wind Turbines. Wind Energy, doi: 10.1002/we.1870.

Nejad, A.; Guo, Y.; Gao, Z.; Moan, T. (2015) Development of a 5 MW Reference Gearbox for Offshore Wind Turbines. Wind Energy, doi: 10.1002/we.1884.

Guo, Y.; Parsons, T.; King, R.; Dykes, K.; Veers P. (2015) An Analytical Formulation for Sizing and Estimating the Dimensions and Weight of Wind Turbine Hub and Drivetrain Components. 65pp.; NREL Report No. TP-5000-63008.

Fleming, P.A.; Ning, A.; Gebraad, P.M.O.; Dykes, K. (2015). Wind plant system engineering through optimization of layout and yaw control. Wind Energy.

Dykes, K. (2014).Proceedings of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory Wind Energy Systems Engineering Workshop. 18 pp.; NREL Report No. TP-5000-62755.

Gray, J.; Hearn, T.; Moore, K.; Hwang, J.; Martins, J.; Ning, A.; Automatic Evaluation of Multidisciplinary Derivatives Using a Graph-Based Problem Formulation in OpenMDAO. 15th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference. June 2014.

Dykes, K.; Resor, B.; Platt, A.; Guo, Y.; Ning, A.; King, R.; Parsons, T.; Petch, D.; Veers, P. (2014). Effect of Tip-Speed Constraints on the Optimized Design of a Wind Turbine. 77 pp.; NREL Report No. TP-5000-61726.

Ning, S. A.; Hayman, G.; Damiani, R.; Jonkman, J. (2014). Development and Validation of a New Blade Element Momentum Skewed-Wake Model within AeroDyn: Preprint. 20 pp.; NREL Report No. CP-5000-63217.

Ning, A.; Dykes, K. (2014). Understanding the Benefits and Limitations of Increasing Maximum Rotor Tip Speed for Utility-Scale Wind Turbines. Article No. 012087. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 524(1), 2014; 10 pp.; NREL Report No. JA-5000-61729.

Dykes, K.; Ning, A.; King, R.; Graf, P.; Scott, G.; Veers, P. (2014). Sensitivity Analysis of Wind Plant Performance to Key Turbine Design Parameters: A Systems Engineering Approach; Preprint. 28 pp.; NREL Report No. CP-5000-60920.

Ning, S. A. (2014). Simple Solution Method for the Blade Element Momentum Equations with Guaranteed Convergence. Wind Energy. Vol. 17(9), September 2014; pp. 1327-1345; NREL Report No. JA-5000-57935.

Ning, A.; Moriarty, P.; Damiani, R. (2013) Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Optimization. 52nd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition, Grapevine, TX, January 7, 2013.

Ning, S. A.; Damiani, R.; Moriarty, P. J. (2013). Objectives and Constraints for Wind Turbine Optimization. Paper No. AIAA 2013-0201. [Proceedings] 51st AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition, 7-10 January 2013, Grapevine, Texas. New York: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. (AIAA) 31 pp.; NREL Report No. CP-5000-57320.

Dykes, K.; Meadows, R.; Felker, F.; Graf, P.; Hand, M.; Lunacek, M.; Michalakes, J.; Moriarty, P.; Musial, W.; Veers, P. (2011). Applications of Systems Engineering to the Research, Design, and Development of Wind Energy Systems. 92 pp.; NREL Report No. TP-5000-52616.

Presentations and Posters

King, R.N.; Adcock, C.; Annoni, J.; Dykes, K. (September 2017) Wind Plant Layout Optimization Considering Atmospheric Stability. North American Wind Energy Academy.

Hayes, A.; Sethuraman, L.; Fingersh, L.; Dykes, K. (2017) Structural Mass Saving Potential of a 5-MW Direct-Drive Generator Designed for Additive Manufacturing. WindTech 2017, Boulder, Colorado. NREL/PO-5000-70322.

Dykes, K.; Zahle, F.; Merz, K.; McWilliam, M.; Bortolotti, P. (2017) IEA Wind Task 37: Systems Modeling Framework and Ontology for Wind Turbines and Plants. Wind Energy Science Conference 2017. NREL/PR-5000-68864. 

Arthurs, C.; Sethuraman, L.; Fingersh, L.; Dykes, K. (2017) Structural Design Optimization of Doubly-Fed Induction Generators Using GeneratorSE. WindTech 2017, Boulder, ColoradoNREL/PO-5000-70321.

Quick, J.; Annoni, J.; King, R.; Dykes, K.; Fleming, P.; Ning, A. (2017) Optimization under uncertainty for wake steering strategies. Wind Energy Science Conference 2017, Lyngby, Denmark.

Dykes, K.; Damiani, R.; Ning, A.; Graf, P.; Scott, G.; King, R.; Guo, Y.; Quick, J.; Sethuraman, L.; and Veers, P (2017) Wind Turbine Optimization with WISDEM®. Fourth Wind Energy Systems Engineering Workshop, Danish Technical University, Roskilde, Denmark. NREL/PR-5000-70652.

Dykes, K.; Graf, P.; Scott, G.; Ning, A.; King, R.; Guo, Y.; Parsons, T.; Damiani, R.; Felker, F.; Veers, P. (2015). Introducing WISDEM: An Integrated System Modeling for Wind Turbines and Plant (Presentation). NREL (National Renewable Energy Laboratory). 18 pp.; NREL Report No. PR-5000-63564.

Felker, F.; Dykes, K. (2015). A Vision for Systems Engineering Applied to Wind Energy (Presentation). NREL (National Renewable Energy Laboratory). 21 pp.; NREL Report No. PR-5000-63571.

Fleming, P.; Ning, A.; Gebraad, P.; Dykes, K. (2015). Combining Wind Plant Control With Systems Engineering (Presentation). NREL (National Renewable Energy Laboratory). 17 pp.; NREL Report No. PR-5000-63584.

Hand, M. (2015). Cost of Wind Energy in the United States: Trends from 2007 to 2012 (Presentation). NREL (National Renewable Energy Laboratory). 14 pp.; NREL Report No. PR-6A20-63502.

Dykes, K.; Damiani, R.; Felker, F.; Graf, P.; Hand, M.; Meadows, R.; Musial, W.; Moriarty, P.; Ning, A.; Scott, G.; Sirnivas, S.; Veers, P. (2012). Systems Engineering Applications to Wind Energy Research, Design, and Development (Poster). NREL (National Renewable Energy Laboratory). 1 pg.; NREL Report No. PO-5000-54717.

Dykes, K.; Ning, A.; Graf, P.; Scott, G.; Damiami, R.; Hand, M.; Meadows, R.; Musial, W.; Moriarty, P.; Veers, P. (2012). Sensitivity Analysis of Offshore Wind Cost of Energy (Poster). NREL (National Renewable Energy Laboratory). 1 pg.; NREL Report No. PO-5000-56411.

Dykes, K.; Scott, G.; Ning, A. NREL Wind Energy Systems Engineering Program Overview and Introduction to TWISTER (Presentation). NREL (National Renewable Energy Laboratory). 39 pp.; NREL Report No. PR-5000-56534.


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Last Updated Feb. 24, 2025