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About REopt

The REopt® platform and accompanying analysis services optimize planning of generation, storage, and controllable loads to maximize the value of integrated distributed energy systems for buildings, campuses, and microgrids.

Formulated as a mixed integer linear program, REopt recommends an optimally sized mix of renewable and distributed energy, conventional generation, and energy storage technologies; provides a dispatch strategy for operating the technology mix at maximum economic efficiency; and estimates the net present value of implementing those technologies.

REopt's Multi-Technology Integration and Optimization Capabilities

laptop icon with a dollar sign on the screen
Energy Costs and Revenue, Economics, Resilience and Environmental Goals
Input to REopt
Technology Options
Solar icon
Renewable Generation, Conventional Supply, Energy Storage
Input to REopt
Electric loads icon
Electric Loads, Heating and Cooling, Dispatchable Loads
Input to REopt
REopt logo
Renewable Energy Integration and Optimization Platform
Techno-Economic Decision Support
Output from REopt
Chart iconOptimized Minimum Cost Solution
Windmill icon
Technology Mix and Size
Gears icon
Optimal Dispatch Strategy
Project Economics
Chart icon
Capital Costs, Operating Costs, Net Present Value

REopt considers energy cost drivers, available energy technologies, and building energy loads and generates an integrated, cost-optimal energy solution that guides investment in economic, resilient, and sustainable energy systems. Illustration by Fred Zietz and Julia Laser, NREL

REopt Platform

Under development at NREL since 2007, the REopt platform was initially created to identify and prioritize cost-effective renewable energy projects across a portfolio of sites. Today, NREL researchers also use REopt to optimize the size and operating strategy of microgrids, storage, and energy/water systems. NREL's REopt analyses have supported decisions that led to more than 260 megawatts of renewable energy development.

Learn more about the REopt development team.

Review a list of REopt partners and clients.

REopt Web Tool

Formerly known as REopt Lite®, NREL's REopt web tool offers a broad range of REopt platform capabilities at no cost to the user. The publicly available web tool helps commercial building managers evaluate the economic viability of distributed PV, wind, battery storage, combined heat and power, and thermal energy storage at a site; identify system sizes and battery dispatch strategies to minimize energy costs; and estimate how long a system can sustain critical load during a grid outage.

The REopt web tool can also be accessed through an application programming interface and open source code.

The REopt web tool has been funded, in part, by the U.S. Department of Energy's Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP), Advanced Manufacturing Office, Geothermal Technologies Office, and by the Clean Energy Group's Resilient Power Project. Learn more about the REopt web tool's ongoing software updates.

Contact NREL To Initiate a REopt Analysis

NREL offers expert analysis services using the REopt platform, which provides techno-economic decision support throughout the energy planning process—from portfolio-level screening to project development to energy asset operation.

There are two options for engaging with NREL to conduct a REopt analysis:

Email [email protected] to learn more about REopt analysis services and the REopt web tool.


Last Updated Feb. 13, 2025