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REopt Capabilities

The REopt® platform offers a range of features and capabilities to help commercial, government, and individual users with planning and optimizing renewable energy and energy storage systems.

The following table describes the full breadth of REopt capabilities, including data inputs and variables, and the platform's outputs and recommendations.

Data Inputs
DriversEnergy costs and revenueUtility energy and demand charges, and market participation revenues
Economic factorsTechnology costs, incentives, and financial parameters
Resilience and environmental goals, including:Minimizing life cycle cost of energy, providing resilience to sustain critical loads during outages, and meeting emissions reduction or percent renewable energy targets
Technology OptionsRenewable energy generationSolar photovoltaic, wind, biomass, landfill gas, waste-to-energy, solar water heating, solar ventilation air preheating, and geothermal heat pumps
Conventional energy supplyElectric grid, fuel supply, natural gas and diesel generators, and combined heat and power (includes internal combustion engine, combustion turbine, fuel cell, microturbine, backpressure steam turbine, and absorption chiller)
Energy storageBatteries, hot water and chilled water thermal storage, and water tanks
LoadsElectric loads and heating and cooling loadsActual site interval data or simulated data based on DOE commercial reference buildings
Dispatchable loadsElectric vehicle charging, water heating, air conditioning, and water treatment
REopt Outputs
Optimized Minimum Cost SolutionTechnologiesRecommended technology options and sizes to meet the site's analysis goals
OperationsOptimal dispatch strategy for each technology in each hour of the year to achieve the predicted savings
Project economicsCapital cost, operating cost, life cycle cost, and net present value


Email [email protected] to learn more about REopt analysis services and the REopt web tool.


Last Updated Feb. 11, 2025