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REopt Rate Inputs (Text Version)

This is the text version of the REopt Rate Inputs video. This quick tutorial explains how to enter utility bill rate information into REopt.

[Computer screen displaying REopt scrolls down to Step 3: Enter Your Site Data. Cursor selects Site location box and types Norristown, PA, USA, then selects the drop down arrow for the Electricity Rate box and scrolls to the Industrial heading.]

For a wastewater treatment facility in Norristown, PA, scroll to the "Industrial" section of utility rates in the drop-down.

[Screen scrolls down through company listings and selects PECO Energy Co: GS-HT (High Tension Power)–Class 4.]

Rates labeled "PECO Energy Co" correspond to the utility company shown on this facility's utility bill. High Tension Power (HT)–Class 4 appears to correspond with the rate name listed on the facility's utility bill.

[Screen mouse then selects Rate Details under the Electricity Rate Company information box.]

After selecting a rate from the dropdown menu, click "Rate Details" to explore the rate in the Utility Rate Database (URDB) and verify that this rate matches the information shown on the facility's utility bill.

[After hitting enter, screen scrolls through and shows automatically pulled data. Screen scrolls down and highlights Demand section, Minimum Maximum Demand Units History (months) 500 kW.]

Minimum demand matches the information given in the rate name on the facility's utility bill. Compare demand and energy charge information associated with this rate in the URDB with information on the facility's utility bill to verify that the URDB entry is accurate.


Last Updated Feb. 11, 2025