Prime Contract Archives
Historical administrative Prime Contract modifications can be accessed below, including past modifications for the current Prime Contract (DE-AC36-08GO28308) and the previous contract (DE-AC36-99GO10337).
For more information about the Prime Contract, contact Jeannie Berens.
Current Prime Contract DE-AC36-08GO28308 Archives (Effective Oct. 1, 2008–Sept. 30, 2028)
The following documents detail the historical modifications of the Prime Contract by section.
Fiscal Year 2023 Modifications 1343–1396
Fiscal Year 2022 Modifications 1299–1342
Fiscal Year 2021 Modifications 1263–1298
Fiscal Year 2020 Modifications 1226–1262
Fiscal Year 2019 Modifications 1193–1225
Fiscal Year 2018 Modifications 1159–1192
Fiscal Year 2016 Modifications 1088–1122
Fiscal Year 2017 Modifications 1123–1158
Fiscal Year 2016 Modifications 1088–1122
Fiscal Year 2015 Modifications 929–1087
Fiscal Year 2014 Modifications 788–928
Fiscal Year 2013 Modifications 600–787
Fiscal Year 2012 Modifications 435–599
Fiscal Year 2011 Modifications 263–434
M1430 6/7/24
M1425 5/10/24
M1416 3/14/24
M1400 11/8/23
M1396 9/29/23
M1390 9/8/23
M1381 7/6/23
M1367 3/30/23
M1362 3/6/23
M1358 2/6/23
M1351 12/14/22
M1346 11/4/22
M1343 10/7/22
M1337 9/6/22
M1333 8/9/22
M1323 5/18/22
M1318 4/15/22
M1309 2/16/22
M1306 1/11/22
M1299 10/7/21
M1298 9/30/21
M1294 9/17/21
M1289 7/2/21
M1284 5/12/21
M1279 3/17/21
M1278 3/17/21
M1277 3/5/21
M1272 1/07/21
M1269 12/17/20
M1266 11/13/20
M1262 9/30/20
M1260 9/25/20
M1256 8/10/20
M1252 7/20/20
M1243 4/17/20
M1241 4/10/20
M1238 3/19/20
M1233 1/17/20
M1226 10/3/19
M1221 8/16/19
M1220 8/2/19
M1214 6/12/19
M1213 6/3/19
M1210 5/2/19
M1207 4/3/19
M1193 10/17/18
M1189 9/5/18
M1184 7/3/18
M1178 5/4/18
M1175 3/20/18
M1169 1/30/18
M1166 12/28/17
M1163 12/6/17
M1155 9/11/17
M1152 8/23/17
M1142 5/16/17
M1136 3/20/17
M1130 1/18/17
M1129 1/5/17
M1124 11/21/16
M1120 9/23/16
M1116 7/20/16
M1106 4/20/16
M1102 3/2/16
M1091 12/3/15
M1088 10/27/15
M1087 9/30/15
M1033 7/6/15
M962 3/4/15
M938 12/17/14
M933 11/3/14
M901 9/4/14
M891 8/18/14
M849 5/15/14
M814 1/27/14
M801 12/5/13
M791 10/30/13
M787 9/30/13
M738 8/13/13
M732 8/8/13
M703 6/21/13
M647 3/5/13
M599 9/27/12
M574 9/7/12
M549 7/26/12
M527 6/1/12
M510 5/2/12
M481 3/27/12
M452 12/6/11
M391 8/24/11
M352 6/29/11
M326 4/14/11
M306 2/28/11
M262 9/29/10
M178 5/19/10
M124 12/29/09
M116 11/19/09
M080 9/14/09
M026 3/17/09
M009 12/12/08
M004 10/1/08
M002 9/12/08
M178 5/19/10
M178 5/19/10
Note: The PDF table of contents for Section H has not been updated from M002, but the content has been updated from M002. The header incorrectly reads "M002" throughout the document.
M1362 3/6/23
M1358 2/6/23
M1346 11/4/22
M1337 9/6/22
M1309 2/16/22
M1279 3/17/21
M1272 1/7/21
M1269 12/17/20
M1266 11/12/20
M1262 9/30/20
M1243 4/17/20
M1241 1/10/20
M1213 6/3/19
M1210 5/2/19
M1207 4/3/19
M1193 10/17/18
M1189 9/5/18
M1178 5/4/18
M1169 1/30/18
M1166 12/28/17
M1142 5/16/17
M1136 3/20/17
M1124 11/21/16
M1106 4/20/16
M1088 10/27/15
M1087 9/30/15
M962 3/4/15
M938 12/17/14
M901 9/4/14
M814 1/27/14
M732 8/08/13
M647 3/5/13
M481 3/27/12
M452 12/6/11
M326 4/14/11
M306 2/28/11
M178 5/19/10
M116 11/19/09
M026 3/17/09
M009 12/12/08
M004 10/1/08
M1362 3/6/23
M1358 2/6/23
M1333 8/9/22
M1323 5/18/22
M1318 4/15/22
M1306 1/11/22
M1299 10/7/21
M1260 9/25/20
M1241 4/10/20
M1169 1/30/18
M1166 12/28/17
M1163 12/6/17
M1152 8/23/17
M1130 1/18/17
M1106 4/20/16
M1102 3/2/16
M1033 7/6/15
M962 3/4/15
M938 12/17/14
M849 5/15/14
M732 8/8/13
M703 6/21/13
M549 7/26/12
M510 5/2/12
M391 8/24/11
M352 6/29/11
M306 2/28/11
M262 9/29/10
M178 5/19/10
M116 11/19/09
Table of Contents M009 effective 12/12/08
Clauses 1–60 M009 effective 12/12/08
Clauses 61–113 M009 effective 12/12/08
Clauses 114–126 M009 effective 12/12/08
Clauses 127–151 M009 effective 12/12/08
Table of Contents M002 effective 9/12/08
Clauses 1–60 M002 effective 9/12/08
Clauses 61–113 M002 effective 9/12/08
Clauses 114–126 M002 effective 9/12/08
Clauses 127–151 M002 effective 9/12/08
Note: I.140 970.5232-4 Obligation of Funds – See Index for a description of the modification.
Attachment E, Applicable Laws and Regulations (List A)
M1318 4/15/22
M1277 3/5/21
M1238 3/19/20
M1207 4/3/19
M1178 5/4/18
M1163 12/6/17
M1116 7/20/16
M1088 10/27/15
M791 10/30/13
M732 8/8/13
M599 9/27/12
M549 7/26/12
M326 4/14/11
M002 9/12/08
Attachment F, Operating and Administrative Requirements (List B)
M1416 3/14/24
M1390 9/8/23
M1381 7/6/23
M1367 3/30/23
M1362 3/6/23
M1358 2/6/23
M1346 11/4/22
M1343 10/7/22
M1337 9/6/22
M1333 8/9/22
M1323 5/18/22
M1318 4/15/22
M1306 1/11/22
M1294 9/17/21
M1289 7/2/21
M1284 5/12/21
M1266 11/12/20
M1262 9/30/20
M1260 9/25/20
M1252 7/20/20
M1238 3/19/20
M1233 1/17/20
M1221 8/16/19
M1220 8/2/19
M1210 5/2/19
M1207 4/3/19
M1178 5/4/18
M1169 1/30/18
M1152 8/23/17
M1142 5/16/17
M1124 11/21/16
M1120 9/23/16
M1116 7/20/16
M1106 4/20/16
M1033 7/06/15
M814 1/27/14
M791 10/30/13
M574 9/7/12
M549 7/26/12
M510 5/2/12
M481 3/27/12
M452 12/6/11
M391 8/24/11
M352 6/29/11
M326 4/14/11
M178 5/19/10
M009 12/12/08
M002 9/12/08
Previous Prime Contract DE-AC36-99GO10337 Archives (Effective Nov. 9, 1998–Nov. 8, 2008)
The following documents detail the historical modifications of the prime contract by section.
M217 (4/25/08)*
M181 (3/12/07)*
M142 (2/2/06)*
M125 (11/8/05)*
M110 (1/26/05)*
M098 (4/19/04)
M052 (3/26/02)
*This document is not available electronically. Contact Jeannie Berens for assistance.
M229 (9/12/08)*
M195 (7/13/07)*
M098 (4/19/04)*
M052 (3/26/02)*
*This document is not available electronically. Contact Jeannie Berens for assistance
M221 (5/28/08)
M181 (3/12/07)*
M098 (4/19/04)*
M052 (3/26/02)*
*This document is not available electronically. Contact Jeannie Berens for assistance
M201 (9/17/07)*
M171 (11/8/06)*
M161 (8/4/06)*
M142 (2/2/06)*
M125 (11/8/05)*
M094 (12/15/03)*
M081 (5/21/03)*
M072 (11/26/02)*
M065 (8/6/02)*
M052 (3/26/02)*
*This document is not available electronically. Contact Jeannie Berens for assistance.
M201, effective 9/17/07 (Original Contract 11/9/98)
This document is not available electronically. Contact Jeannie Berens for assistance.
M052 (3/26/02)
M098 (4/19/04)
Last Updated Dec. 30, 2024