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In-Country and Regional Course Development and Training

For countries in all regions, NREL develops training courses to help them find and implement energy solutions.

Topics include:

  • Energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies and systems
  • Analysis and planning
  • Policy and market design
  • Grid management
  • System and project design and financing.

These courses are offered at national, regional, and global levels, including some offered at NREL.

Remote and Virtual Training

We partner with many other institutions in delivery of training through remote means, such as webinars, online courses, massive open online courses, and other instruments. For example, we offer a portfolio of training courses and activities through Greening the Grid.

Peer Learning and Knowledge Exchange

We convene regional communities of experts to facilitate peer-based knowledge exchange and learning, develop and share examples of country leaderships, and support peer-to-peer visits and regional learning events.

Professional Visits and Study Assignments

We host government officials, system operators, researchers, and other energy professionals at NREL for short visits as well as longer-term learning and cooperation research and analysis assignments at NREL. Such assignments are approved on a case-by-case basis where there are alignment of interests and availability of funding. Similarly, we can provide staff members to work onsite at international locations with diverse organizations for short-term and multiyear assignments.

Energy Efficiency and Resiliency

We conduct international energy efficiency trainings at various knowledge levels, including raising general energy awareness to conducting hands-on energy audits. Trainings can be held for government officials and key stakeholders for 1 to 2 weeks. They can include considerations for creating a national or sectoral energy efficiency master plan.

Our staff have trained stakeholders in African countries—such as Kenya, Ethiopia, Cape Verde, and Gabon—as well as countries in Asia and the Caribbean. Topics have included implementing:

  • Public sector energy audits
  • Industrial efficiency to inform industrial energy efficiency strategies
  • Resilience planning for "at-risk" nations in the Caribbean and Asia
  • Education and outreach to raise energy awareness levels and reduce energy consumption within a country or region.


Last Updated Jan. 30, 2025