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International Research

NREL applies its world-class expertise, data assessments, and tools to analysis of advanced buildings, industry, power, and transportation technologies, as well as pathways for optimizing energy system performance.

We partner with countries and regional and global institutions to enable them to meet their energy, economic, and environmental goals.

Also learn about our data and tools.

Energy Analysis

Energy Resource and Infrastructure Assessments

Our assessments inform energy planning, policy, investment, and research.

Grid Integration and Power System Transformation Analysis

We analyze opportunities and strategies for achieving high-performing power systems.

Energy Security and Resilience Assessments

We assess technologies and system designs to enhance energy system reliability, performance, and resilience.

Energy Market, Policy, Regulation, and Financing Analysis

We offer objective analytic and technical support to inform design of regulatory and market structures, policies and standards, and financial incentives and financing instruments.

Other Capabilities

Energy System and Infrastructure Design and Testing

We provide analysis, simulation and testing, and engineering support for designing energy systems and infrastructure, and optimizing performance of energy systems.

Advanced Energy Science and Technology Collaboration

We collaborate with international technical institutes and agencies and private sector firms on energy research projects.

In-Country and Regional Course Development and Training

We develop training courses to help countries and regions implement energy solutions.


Last Updated Jan. 30, 2025