Country and Regional Projects in Europe
In developing European countries and regions, NREL supports initiatives for deploying renewable energy, energy efficiency, sustainable transportation, and advanced grid management technologies and systems.
We assisted Georgia in evaluating their renewable energy, energy efficiency, and low-emission options and strategies, as well as on new renewable development and grid integration.
We work with institutional and private sector representatives from the energy and policy sectors in Kazakhstan to provide interactive sessions on:
- Energy technology
- Energy investment financing
- Policy development
- Renewable energy resource assessment
- Integration of diverse energy sources
- Systems modeling
- Business models for energy services.
Our current work focuses on renewable energy grid integration modeling and technical support.
Regional Support
We provide technical and financial support for regional programs of the European and Eurasia Low Emission Development Strategies Partnership. This includes training and advisory support to countries on renewable energy grid integration assessments and measures and on design of urban clean energy programs.
Last Updated Jan. 23, 2025