NREL Style Guide Subject Index
Use this index to find style guide content by subject.
You can also browse our alphabetical listing of entries or the style guide's full text.
If you have questions or comments about the style guide, contact the NREL Editorial Board.
Data and Measurement
- abbreviations and acronyms
- British thermal units
- criterion, datum, memorandum, phenomenon, and their plurals
- data in tables
- dataset
- degree symbol
- dollars
- equations
- fractions
- kilowatt (kW)
- kilowatt-hour (kWh)
- mathematical symbols
- megawatt (MW)
- megawatt-hour (MWh)
- metric conversions
- multiplication symbols
- non-SI (English) units of measurement
- numbers
- percent, %, and percentage
- pressure
- ratios
- scientific notation
- SI (metric) system
- slash (solidus)
- standard errors
- statistical terms
- technical abbreviations
- temperature
- units of measurement
- watt
- zero
Government Terms
- 508 compliance
- Alliance for Sustainable Energy, the Alliance
- American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
- Congress and congressional
- cooperative research and development agreement
- federal
- net zero
- NREL attribution statement
- renewable energy certificate
- renewable portfolio standard
- Research Support Facility
- state implementation plan
- trademark symbols
- U.S. Department of Energy
- work-for-others agreement
Grammar and Usage
- a and an
- affect and effect
- assure, ensure, and insure
- because and since
- capitalization
- compose and comprise
- criterion, datum, memorandum, phenomenon, and their plurals
- first-person pronouns
- hyphens, compound words, and unit modifiers
- inclusive language
- it's and its
- misplaced modifiers
- nonrestrictive phrases and clauses
- noun and adjective strings
- nouns
- over and under
- parallelism
- personal pronouns
- prefixes
- principal and principle
- race and ethnicity
- restrictive phrases and clauses
- spelling
- that and which
- time
- unit modifiers
- which and that
Publication Formatting
- 508 compliance
- abstracts
- acknowledgments
- appendices
- author-date citations
- bibliography
- bullets
- captions
- citations
- contents
- executive summary
- figures
- fonts
- footnotes
- foreword
- front matter and back matter
- glossary and nomenclature
- headings and subheadings
- introduction
- lists
- pagination
- photo, image, and video credits
- preface
- references and citations
- report contents
- report covers
- sources
- spaces
- subcaptions
- table of contents
- tables
- title page
Publication Policies and Services
- colons
- commas
- dashes
- ellipses
- energy efficient
- high-performance computing
- parentheses
- periods
- quotation marks
- semicolons
- slash (solidus)
Technology-Related Terms
- air-source heat pump
- bandgap
- baseload
- black start
- chemical terms
- cleantech
- close-spaced sublimation
- cogeneration
- concentrating solar power
- coproduction
- dish/engine systems
- enhanced geothermal system
- exergy
- geofluid
- geopressured geothermal resource
- Geothermal Electric Technology Evaluation Model
- geothermal heat pump
- heat mining
- high-performance computing
- hybrid electric vehicle
- III-V solar cell
- inverters
- Kalina cycle
- lithology
- low-e
- microseismic events
- multijunction solar cell
- net zero
- noncondensable gases
- NREL attribution statement
- photovoltaics and photovoltaic
- Rankine cycle
- renewable portfolio standard
- rheology
- Smart Grid and smart grid
- solar cell interfaces
- solar conversion efficiency
- solar electricity
- systems integrator
- technical abbreviations
- techno-economic
- zero energy building
Writing Style
- abbreviations and acronyms
- academic degrees
- active voice and passive voice
- air conditioning
- ampersands
- author-date citations
- capitalization
- contiguous United States, continental United States, and CONUS
- cyber
- decision maker
- "e-" terms
- etc.
- first-person pronouns
- geographic information system
- Inc. and LLC
- initialisms
- International and Non-English Speaking Audiences
- internet
- italics
- laboratory and lab
- life cycle
- lightbulb
- microgrid
- nation
- net zero
- nonattainment
- noun and adjective strings
- policymaker
- taxonomic names
- United Kingdom and U.K.
- United States and U.S.
- URLs
- web terms
- website content