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Media Blocks

Media blocks are customizable combinations of photos, videos, icons, headlines, and short text. They are used for navigation or to call attention to featured content.

Media blocks are are a great option to break up text and make pages scannable. They can include call-to-action buttons or links, and their layout can be adjusted based on the page content. Contact an content specialist for ideas about how to apply media blocks on your page or site.

Navigation Blocks

Navigation blocks include photos with linked headers and are are used on landing pages to direct users to subpages.

Navigation Blocks With Short Text

The text in these blocks should be 100 characters or less. The header is always linked.

Navigation Blocks With Long Text

Use a horizontal desktop layout for blocks with text that is more than 100 characters. Headers may be linked or not linked, but their treatment should be consistent within the page.

Photo of person in laboratory setting with an array of vials in round holder.

Linked Header

Vestibulum tempus lacus at tellus scelerisque, eget pretium ligula vestibulum. Nunc interdum odio sit amet quam aliquet maximus. Praesent commodo at magna et malesuada. Nullam ullamcorper sodales vulputate. Mauris vitae aliquam urna. Curabitur at porta massa, non maximus nulla.

Photo of truck cab with tube connected to it.

Another Linked Header

Suspendisse aliquet ornare elit vel blandit. Sed velit ligula, placerat vitae tellus ut, consequat rutrum turpis. Curabitur volutpat justo et malesuada finibus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nulla facilisi.

List Blocks

These blocks require a linked header and contain a related list of links, such as news or publications.

Homepage Feature Stories

These blocks are designed to highlight recent news stories on a site homepage.

News Headline With Bold Text

Add a short description here. Duis in dapibus nulla ellentesque interdum tortor vitae. Duis in dapibus nulla ellentesque interdum tortor vitae.

Featured Content Blocks

Use a gray or gray-bordered featured content block to distinguish unique text areas.

report cover

Etiam maximus, velit a faucibus lobortis, in sollicitudin erat.


H2 Headline

Suspendisse aliquet ornare elit vel blandit. Sed velit ligula, placerat vitae tellus ut, consequat rutrum turpis. Curabitur volutpat justo et malesuada finibus.

H3 Headline

Etiam maximus, velit a faucibus lobortis, leo felis posuere justo, in sollicitudin erat nisi id nunc. Quisque sed volutpat purus, ut iaculis erat.

Event Information

Use blocks with blue headers on event pages to highlight key information about the event.

Month Day(s), Year
Online web conference
(Registrants will receive details via email.)

Custom Designs

Featured media blocks can be customized for your content and page layout. Contact a content specialist to explore custom design options.

A wind farm at sunset

Wind Energy Science Leadership Series

A webinar series to learn about advances on the leading edge of wind energy science.
Card image

"Trying to decide the fate of a million things on a second-by-second basis is where the challenge comes in."

Jennifer King
NREL Researcher

Card image cap

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas eget ligula commodo.

Megan Day
Urban and Regional Planner, NREL


Last Updated Jan. 15, 2025